AFP | Boston Globe to Launch Separate Paid Site Mashable The Boston Globe announced Thursday that the online version of its newspaper will be moving from to, and that it will begin ... Corporate Watch |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Boston Globe to Launch Separate Paid Site - Mashable
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Woolson resigns MERC post - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Woolson had come under fire from President Davifd Bragdon for adding more executive stafd and public relations a move that nearly doubledhis office’s to a proposed $877,808 for fiscal year Bragdon also blasted Woolson for moving into a new downtow n office, for earning $184,009 — the agency’s highest overall salary — and for allegedlyy mismanaging efforts to build a hotel next to the Oregon Conventionb Center and a new Columbiaw River Crossing. Woolson, however, said in publif documents that the higher expenditures resultedr from public relations efforts and unfilledearlier positions.
MERC's downtown office was in rent-fres space near its marketing partner, Travelp Portland, a quasi-public agency that works to promote tourism. MERC, a Metrop subsidiary, operates the Portland Center for thePerforming Arts, the Oregonn Convention Center and the Expo Woolson will receive nine months of salary and benefits, plus sick As part of his negotiated settlement, he agree d not to file any lawsuits. Bradgon last montg called for Woolson's resignation. When Woolson didn't immediatel y resign, Metro councilors Rod Park and Rex Burkholdere then introduced an ordinance giving Metrop authority to hire and fire the MERCgeneral manager.
The seven-membedr MERC board of directors currently has that The Metro Council is scheduled to vote on the proposalJuly 9. Bradgon'ws criticism ignited a flurry of protest from arts organizationzs and theMERC Commission, which had given Woolsonj three positive performance reviews. Two MERC commission Gary Reynolds andJanice Marquis, resigned last week in protes over the Metro ordinance. “Thed proposal isn’t in line with the charter of how the organization isset up,” Reynolds said. “It’s supposed to be independenft of politicians. It would bring politics into the runningof (the in a big way.
” Woolson's decision was announced In his resignation letter, Woolson said, "it was a difficult decisioh for me." The MERC board is expected to announcew a replacement soon. Cheryl Twete, MERC's busineszs and community development director, will serve as interim general manager. Metro officialxs were unavailablefor comment.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Adobe Gila
Damian Soffer, The Soffere Organization’s principal, confirmed his company has an agreement withthe Columbus-basee restaurant, which will open in a new building to be constructedf at the corner of Sidneyu and 28th streets across the street from the . In Soffer reached an agreementwith Shadyside-based to open a 5,500-square-foot Shady Grove restaurantr in the new building’s first floor. With Adobe Gila’z now signed, Soffer can push forward with the building’e approval process for a project he estimatedf would costbetween $5 millionh and $6 million. He projects a 14-monthg construction schedule for the twonew restaurants, whichy he described as young and hip.
“It will be a huge new traffic generator,” Soffer said. “It’s two new restaurants that are totalluy different from what we already The signing will mark the firstf Pittsburgh restaurant forAdobe Gila’s owner Columbus-based Steve Cohee, who is also in negotiations to open anotherf new restaurant at Bakery Cohee praised Soffer’s vision for the SouthSide Works. He was also persuadeds by the presence of theand , which openex its riverfront location last month in a 17,000-square-foot building that Soffer said generatez evening waits of more than two “You don’t make an investment like that unless you thinko you’re going to hit a home Cohee said.
“The strong operatorx around us are a big part ofour success.” Abobw Gila’s formula, created by the founders of is to create a party environment that mixes Mexican and American cuisine with nightly live performances, margaritas and ample patio Adobe Gila’s is like “sa beach border town cantina feel,” said Cohee, who has three otherr restaurants and understands the businesas challenge of drawing customers upstairs to a second-floo location. “If you do it right, typicallyg your economics are a little better onsecond floors.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Flood Clean-up Underway in SE Minn. - | Flood Clean-up Underway in SE Minn. Residents in several southeastern Minnesota cities are cleaning up after this week's floods as high water starts to recede. A Goodhue County Emergency ... |
Friday, September 24, 2010
Crist signs controversial health care bill - Dallas Business Journal:
SB 1122 changes the way insurance companies pay for coverage of patients ininsurance networks. It will allows doctors who are not members of a preferred provider organization to be paid directly by insurance companiees when they treat patienta who belong to sucha plan. Last a group of advocates for consumers and employers joined forcezs to ask the governor not to pass the which they claim will result in highefr andunexpected out-of-pocket health care costs.
“Wse believe this legislation would raise costs systemwided by undermining the ability of insurers to negotiates reasonable feeswith physicians, causing highefr insurance rates and higher out-of-pocket medical bill for Florida patients,” Florida PIRG’s Brad Ashwell said at the However, the is applauding the governor’s decision to sign the “While routing the payment through the patientg may seem like a minor inconvenience, unfortunately, this practicer is driving up the cost of health care, imposing hiddenb fees and limiting access,” said Timothy J.
Stapleton, FMA’e executive vice president, in a news “This common-sense legislation will put a stopto this, and alloaw physicians to spend more time and resourcee on direct-patient care.”
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ohio lawmakers facing $3.2B budget hole - Dayton Business Journal:
billion revenue shortfall for the two-yeard state budget cycle beginninhJuly 1. That was the estimatee Pari Sabety, the governor’s budget director, presented to a six-member Housde and Senate conference committee trying to reconcile differences in theitr versions of a state budget bill for fiscal 2010and 2011. They face a June 30 deadlines to present a balanced budget plan to Sabety said new revenue estimates bythe governor’e Office of Budget and Managemenrt are $2.3 billion lower than projections in the spendingh plan the administration presented to the legislaturew earlier this year. That could result in a budgey gapof $3.
2 billion over the next two yearw depending on differences in spending on education and Medicaid in the budget billw that came out of the House and In addition, projected revenue for fiscapl 2009, which ends June 30, is belows the previous estimate by $912.1 million, Sabety said. The statr will need to tap its rainy day fund to cover that gap and balancewthis year’s budget, she said. Under the revise d forecasts, the state is looking at ending fiscal 2009with $17.3 billiohn in tax revenue for its General down more than $2 billion from 2008. General Fund tax revenu is projected to dropto $15.9 billionj in 2010 and rise to $16.q billion in 2011.
“The picture I have paintec for you is bleak but Sabety told theconference committee. She said the Stricklancd administration is considering a number of options to covedr the shortfall in thenext budget. She did not provide specificsw on what approach maybe taken. Stricklane and most state legislators have said they opposed raising taxes in the currenteconomidc climate. The governor has had to make abouyt $2 billion in adjustments to thecurren two-year budget, including the elimination of 3,60 0 state jobs, closure of a two psychiatric hospitalsx and a youth detention facility. “Taking out $3 billion from the present budget is like startingall over,” said state Rep.
Vernon Sykes, D-Akron, a conference committee member. “We hope the administration willprovidr leadership, guidance and ideas as we move forward in this Two Republicans on the conference committee Sen. John Carey of Wellston and Rep. Ron Amstutz of Woostet – also called for directionn fromthe governor. “This is more than a legislative Amstutz said. “We’re goinh to need some assertive and seriousx leadership from theexecutive branch.” Stricklande did not attend the conference committee meeting.
He was travelingt in northeast Ohio to promote his education reform package that is part of his budget Sabety told the conference committee that revenuee forecasts by the administration over the past year have not kept pace with the fall of the nationall andOhio economies. Ohio’s budget situation is “hardly she said, citing a report from the Nationakl Association of State Budget Officers that found state face aggregate budget shortfalls of atleastf $230 billion from fiscal 2009 through 2011.
Her office’z new estimate projects there willbe $772 millionj less General Fund tax revenue this year than the estimates on which the governor based his budget The tax revenue shortfalls rise to $1.3 billion in fiscalk 2010 and $1.1 billion in 2011. A big factor in the declined is a drop in revenue from auto sales she said. Revenue from that source will be $96 millionj lower in 2010 and $32 million less in 2011 comparex with theearlier forecast. The revisedd non-auto sales tax revenue estimatse is being reducedby $189 million in fiscal 2010 and $331 milliojn in 2011.
The decline is due to a drop in wagex and consumer spending inthe recession, Sabety She said the state’s revenue stream also is being hurt by declines in non-wage income, specifically the capital gains tax on equity investments. The forecast for tax revenue from non-wage incom has been lowered by $926 million in fiscak 2010 and $601 million in 2011. “Thix is by far he largest declinr for any revenue in thereviseds forecasts,” Sabety said.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Office Depot Small Business Index Reveals Small Businesses Still Reluctant to Hire - MarketWatch (press release)
Office Depot Small Business Index Reveals Small Businesses Still Reluctant to Hire MarketWatch (press release) BOCA RATON, Fla., Sep 21, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Office Depot (NYSE:ODP) , a leading global provider of office products and services, today announced the ... |
Monday, September 20, 2010
Consider other financing during loan drought - bizjournals:
One very old but underused option is or accountsreceivable financing, where a thire party buys a company’s outstanding invoices or receivables. “Accounts receivable financin g isn’t a loan,” said Chad regional vice presidentwith A/R “Whenever a company creates an invoice, A/R Funding purchasew that invoice and advances the money to the companyh immediately, which helps their cash flow.” Businesses can then use that cash to coveer cash flow shortages or to finance growth.
“Ig doesn’t have to be a big company, as long as your compan y is doing business with creditworthycustomers [according to] , and we have a few othe groups we use to look at that and we establish credir limits,” Todd said. “We actually have a 90-dayy agreement that you can terminat e atany time, without fees. We only have one fee, which is the fee on our it’s less than 2 percentg for the face amount ofthe invoice.” After tryinyg traditional banks and credit unions, Adam Hoyles, vice presideng of operations for , said it turne d to A/R Funding.
“For whatever traditional lenders “weren’t interested in doing a businesss lineof credit,” Hoyles said. “We were growin and our operations were increasing in both speed and and it was more and more difficult tokeep running. “Clientsx would go 30 to 60 days topay us, but when you send someon e in the field, you stillk have the same payroll. The business still has to run whilre you are waiting toget paid. When I look at my abilitu to predict cash flow on aregulat basis, the fee is absolutely worth Another funding source that’s worth looking into is the ’xs America’s Recovery Capital loans.
Beginninf June 15, the SBA will start guaranteeinygthe loans, up to a maximum of “It’s an unusual loan: The SBA is paying the interest,” said Ralp h Ross, deputy director of SBA’s North Florida districyt office. “We have never done it quite this way The bank will disburse the loanand we’ll stargt making monthly interest payments on the loan straight to the Plus, we guarantee 100 percent of the principall for the bank.” The SBA is still drawinfg up guidelines for the loan, but Ross said it estimatew the program could provide for as many as 10,000 loans. The loan progra m is designed to help businesses that are strugglin g due to theanemic economy.
“Thre idea is it’s just something that a companh can use to help payits bills,” Ross said. “Ther e is still going to be a credirt test; we want to make sure they are viable Chris Rodatz, vice president/SBA lende r at , has already had a number of clientw call to learn more about the program. “Thegy say, ‘We could sure use it. I need to buy or, ‘I’m falling behind on my obligations,’ Rodatz said. For any business that’s investigatinh the ARC loan program, now is the time to “First, they need to contactf their bank to make sure the bank is goint to participate inthe program,” Rodatzz said.
“Then be preparedf to have an updated tax return and personal financestatementss — the basic prequalification materials.” Anothert new SBA funding option in the workse specifically targets vehicle dealers and will allow lenders to provide lines of credit through the 7(a) program for titled inventory. “Dealer floor-planninh is something we traditionally haven’t been involved Ross said. “We raised the size standards,” to allos dealers that normally don’t qualify for 7(a) “And the new program will help us financwe the inventory on theshowroom floor. Any property that has a titlecan That’s a very interesting, new product.
there’s a lot of distress in the auto industry andrelate industries, such as RVs and motorcycles, and we are hopinh to help out with that.”
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friends, Coaches Say Lane Kiffin Then Was Much Like Lane Kiffin Now - FanHouse
Friends, Coaches Say Lane Kiffin Then Was Much Like Lane Kiffin Now FanHouse "Lane is the only player that I have ever thrown a football at with the intent to hurt," Leverenz, one of Lane Kiffin's former high school coaches, ... |
Friday, September 17, 2010
Survey: Most Ohio college students plan to leave - Dayton Business Journal:
The institute conducted an onlinr survey of811 sophomores, juniors and seniors in Februarhy and March, along with threed focus groups. The students were from Case Westernm Reserve, Kent State University, Miami Oberlin College, Ohio State University, Ohio University and the University of The result: 58 percent – 51 percent of in-stat students and 79 percent of out-of-state students – said they will look elsewherw for jobs after graduation. Among the findings: 89 percent said they want to live in a placwe where good jobsare available, but only 11 percenty rated Ohio’s job prospects as “excellent.
” • Those expecting to leave after graduatiom also cited cultural and leisure activitiesa as important indicators of where to live. 74 percent want a job with good opportunities for pay and while 53 percent thought a job that offerexd ongoing new challenges wasmore important. • 61 percent want a job with goodretiremengt benefits, while 14 percent said a unionized job woulxd be a deciding factor. • Most said job experiencwe likeinternships (60 percent), co-op programs (53 and opportunities to meet with Ohio companies (52 would help keep them at home; • 65 percent said Ohio shouls offer a 10-year state income tax credit to remainh in the state.
“We need our best and brightest to invesrt their energy and future in Ohio to generater theeconomic vigor, new technologies and other economi developments that will spur the progress we need to modernizd and prosper,” said Terry Ryan, the institute’d vice president for Ohio programz and policy, in a news The Thomas B. Fordham Institute is an educatioh policy think tank with officesx in Daytonand Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bennet cites Colorado examples in Senate plea for health-care reform - Kansas City Business Journal:
Coloradans, he said, "speak for countlesds others acrossthe nation. All they ask for is a healtb care system that works for a health care systemthat doesn’t crusy them with unreasonable cost and a health care systekm that doesn’t deny them coverage just because they have pre-existingf conditions." Bennet, D- Colo., also touted his own proposalx to make patient transition care more cost-effectivr and successful. "In Colorado, we haven’rt waited on Washington," he said. "We’ve made real progress in showinbg how to provide high quality health care at alowerf cost.
" Bennet, formerly superintendent of the Denver Public was appointed to the Senate by Gov. Bill Rittef to fill the seat vacate d by Ken Salazar when Salazafr was picked by Presidenty Barack Obama as secretarg ofthe Interior. Here is the full text of Bennet'w Senate-floor speech as prepared for delivery Thursday, provide by his In the speech, he is addressinvg the president ofthe Senate. Mr. President, I rise todagy to discuss the urgent need for healthgcare reform. The people of and the American people, have waited for too long for Washingto nto act. We should begin with a basif principle: if you have coverage and you like it, you can keep it.
If you have your and you like himor her, you should be able to keep them as We will not take that choice away from you. But even as we keep what we must confront the challenges of soaring healtbh care costs and the lack of accessto affordable, quality healtb care. The status quo is unacceptable. Every day, familiews in Colorado and across America facerising premiums. Theirf plans offer fewer benefits. They are denied coverage becauseof pre-existing conditions. And until we fix the healtjh care system, we won’t be able to fix the fisca l mess in which we find Since 1970, the share of healthcare as a part of the GDP has gone from 7 percentf to 17 percent.
The United States spende over $2 trillion in health care costs, includingf over $400 billion on Medicare alone. Presidenyt Obama has said that the biggest threaty toour nation’s balance sheet is the skyrocketinf cost of health care. And he’as right. In Colorado, we haven’t waited on Washington. We’v made real progress in showing how to provide high qualitgy health care at alower cost. Last week, the New Yorker magaziner published an articleentitled “Thes Cost Conundrum” that highlights the important work that’s been done in Mesa Colorado.
Over thirty years ago this communityserving 120,00 people came together—doctors, nurses, and the non-profirt health insurance company. They agreed upon a systemk that paid doctors and nurses for seeing patients and producingb betterquality care. They realized that problems and costxs go down when care ismore patient-focused. In Mesa County, the city of Grands Junction implemented an integrated health care systemj thatprovides follow-up care with This follow-up care has helped lower hospitalo readmissions rates in Grand Junction to just 3 Compare that to the 20 percent rate and it is clear that our community on the Westernb Slope of Colorado is onto something groundbreaking.
High readmissionb rates are a huge problem forour seniors. Nearly one in five Medicarwe patients who leave a hospitaol are readmitted within thefollowinhg month, and more than three-quarters of thesr readmissions are preventable. Rehospitalizationm costs Medicareover $17 billion a year. It’s painful for patiente and families to be caught up in these cycleasof treatment. All too care is fragmented – you go from the doctor, to the to a nursing home, back to the hospitao and then back to thedoctot again. Patients are given medication instructions as they are leavintgthe hospital, many times after cominh off of strong medications.
They don’t know whom to and they are not sure what to ask their primarycare doctor. The solution, both our Denver and Mesa Counth health communitieshave found, is to provide patients leaving the hospital with a “coach.” This coacg is a trained health professional connecting home and the This coach teaches patients how to managed their health on their own.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Obama: Doing 'nothing' about health care not an option - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
“Health care reform is not something I just cooked up when I took Obama told a crowd ofabouyt 1,500 people Thursday at in the Greem Bay suburb of Ashwaubenon. “It is central to our economic future. In past years and decades, there may have been some disagreementg onthis point. But not Earlier this month, Obama said he wants Congress to pass a comprehensive health care bill by the end of the summet and ready for his signatureby fall. Many including the president, favor a government-sponsoredr health insurance plan that wouls compete with private insurers and be availabl e for people not eligiblde for other government health care programs such as Medicareror Medicaid.
Most Republicans and many business groups, say a competing plan that isn’t profit-driven would drive private insurerd outof business. On the , a physician’sa group Obama is schedulesd to meet with Monday in said it is opposed toa government-sponsoredr insurance plan. Obama said his administratioh is working on a Healthb Insurance Exchange that would allow peoplr to compare insurance benefitwsand prices. None of the plans included in the exchange would be allowedc to deny coverage basedon pre-existing conditions and all must includde an affordable, basic benefit option.
“I also stronglyt believe that one of the options in the Exchange shouled be a public insuranceoption – becausee if the private insurance companiesw have to compete with a public it will keep them honest and help keep priced down,” Obama said. Supporters of health care reformj say it would provide health insurance coverage to millions of Americans and make coveragr more affordable for those who arealready covered. Because health insurance premiums have doubled over the last nine and have grown at a rate three timesw fasterthan wages, even those with coverag e have reached a breaking point, Obama said. Employerx are not faring any better.
Small business owners have been forced to cut health care benefits or drop coveragw entirely because ofrising costs, Obama said. “Wwe have the most expensive health care systemk inthe world,” Obama said. “We spendr almost 50 percent more per person on healtgh care than the next mostcostlu nation. But here’s the thing, Green Bay: we’rew not any healthier for it.” Obama vowef to let Americans who are contentt with their coverage and their physicians keep whatthey have, but said the countryy has reached a point where doing nothing about the cost of healtn care is no longer an “If we do nothing, withihn a decade we will be spendingv one out of every five dollars we earn on healthn care,” Obama said.
“In 30 years, it will be one out of everu three.” Obama acknowledged covering all Americana wouldbe expensive, but promised health care reformj would not add to the country’sd deficit over the next 10 years. “Top make that happen, we have already identified hundredsx of billions worth of savings in ourbudgeg – savings that will come from steps like reducin Medicare overpayments to insurancw companies and rooting out fraud and abuse in both Medicarre and Medicaid,” Obama said. In addition, Obama is proposing that Congress scale back the amountthe highest-income American can deduct on their taxes and use that moneyt to help finance healtgh care.
Obama spoke for about 20 minutese and then took questions from six people in the audience who expressed fearover “socialized medicine,” askeed questions about wellness and even questioned the country’ws education system. Regarding the idea of socialized medicine, Obama said that isn’t what he, or anyonwe in Congress, wants.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Pujols' two homers, Cards' D back Lohse -
Seattle Post Intelligencer | Pujols' two homers, Cards' D back Lohse The Cards pulled back within six games of the Reds in the National League Central with 21 games to play. They are in fourth place in the Wild Card standings ... Braves Top Cards in Extra Innings, 6-3 Gonzalez, Braves beat Cards 6-3 in 12 Alex Gonzalez: Alex Gonzalez hits walkoff, Braves beat Cards |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Situation Trademark Denied - Jersey Shore's Mike Sorrentino Rejected -
MyFox Chicago | Situation Trademark Denied - Jersey Shore's Mike Sorrentino Rejected We've got a serious celeb-reality "situation" here. "The Situation" can't trademark his name, according to the latest reports. In case you've never heard of ... Bad Situation: Jersey Shoreman Can't Trademark Ab-tastic Nickname 'The Situation' denied legal use of name 'The Situation' trademark rejected by US Patent Office: report |
Friday, September 10, 2010
US Dataworks Achieves Record Enterprise Payments Volume Growth
Overall, US Dataworks achieved a ninety-five percentf (95%) growth in the total number of transactions processed involving the clearing of checkl imageexchange items, and the processingg of Back Office Conversion (BOC), WEB and TEL transactions, which are automate d clearing house (ACH) Standard Entry Class Codes, in 2008 as comparef to the number of such transactions in 2007. Contributiny to this growth was the marked increase in the number of imagesexchange transactions, which more than quadrupled in going from 20 million transactionws processed in 2007 to more the 155 million transactionsz processed in 2008.
In US Dataworks maintained its position as the ARC volum e leader witha thirty-nine percengt (39%) market share in 2008 (based on the annualk ARC volumes reported by NACHA, whichy tends to be steady year over year). US Dataworks has been the ARC markeft share leader since the adoption of this new Standard EntryClas Code. "US Dataworks has consistently delivered high-performance results in the ARC Our growth in checkimage exchange, BOC, WEB and TEL transactiona is further proof that we are on the rightr track in delivering industry-leading enterprise payments solutions," said US Dataworksa President and Chief Operating Officer .
"It also meanes that our solutions are capable of delivering value to our customers onmany fronts, including operational efficiencg and cost savings." Since early 2006, US Dataworkss has expanded its Clearingworks(R) payments processing and clearing application into a true Enterprise Payments Hub. US Dataworks' Clearingworks reduces costs and simplifies payments systemas and processes by providing billers with a singles platform tointegrate paper-basedc and electronic payment mechanisms, regardless of wheres they were captured.
The platform supports conventionalp check processing and all NACHAs Standard Entry Class Clearingworks includes components forpayments processing, check retail processing, payments decisioning and returnz processing. With a modular framework, the platfork can co-exist with any legach payments systems and processes in support of multiplepayments channels. Clearingworks also can be delivered as ahostefd solution, with transaction-based pricing. "US Dataworkzs has proven, industry-leading performance capabilities for harnessint the business advantages of an EnterprisePayments Hub," said US Dataworkzs Senior Vice President of Sales and Businessa Development .
"Our clients are realizinb improved operational efficiencyand productivity, reduction of operations and systems and streamlined compliance and control." About US Inc. Payments automation solutionas from US Dataworks helpfinancial institutions, businesses and government entitiews deploy an enterprise payments infrastructure that processes and manages paper-baserd and electronic transactions more efficiently and with less Designed to complement an organization's legacy systemsz and processes, our enterprise payments solution deliverw capabilities for payments processing, retail payments processing, checkm processing, payments decisioning, and returns Our agile enterprise paymentss approach is particularly important as billers migrated from paper-based payment and billing processes towards electronix payments and straight through processing For more information, visit .
Certain statements made in this presxsrelease (other than the historical information contained herein) constitute "forward-lookintg statements" within the meaning of the Privatd Securities Litigation Reform Act of as amended, including, but not limitefd to, statements regarding our expectation of continued the benefits of our recent restructuring, the anticipateed features and benefits of our new distributiom payment capture solution, our visioh for payment processing and our new solutions' abilitg to provide a higher returnj on investment for our Any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertaintiews that may cause actual results to differ including, but not limitedf to, the failure of our new solutionsx to perform as anticipated, our ability to provide long-term customer value and agility, our abilit y to protect our intellectual property, the Company's positiob in the marketplace, its ability to develo and timely introduce products that addresxs market demand, its ability to grow revenue, its abilithy to successfully execute its business plans, the impactr of alternative technological advances and competitive products, marketr fluctuations and other risks detailed from time to time in the SEC reportse of US Dataworks, including its annualp report on Form 10-KSB for the periox ended March 31, 2008 and its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the periods ended June 30,2008, Septemberr 30, 2008 and December 31, 2008.
These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date US Dataworks disclaims any obligation to updatethese forward-looking statements. CONTACTS: Charlea Ramey, CEO Donald C. Weinberger US Dataworks, Inc. Wolfer Axelrod Weinberger Assoc. LLC Tel. (281) 504-810o Tel. (212) 370-4500 Fax (212) 370-4505 SOURCE US Inc.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wells Fargo Advisors fined $1.4 million - Business First of Columbus:
million for its failure to deliver prospectuses and producty descriptions to customers who bought investment products in 2003and 2004. FINRA’ s investigation showed that the firm failed to delivefr the required prospectuses to customers inabout 6,000 of nearlh 22,000 transactions effected between July 2003 and Decembere 2004. The market value of these 6,000 transactionsw was approximately $256 million.
FINRA, the largest independent regulator ofsecurities firms, said it found widespreadf deficiencies relating to the delivery of prospectuses in connection with exchange-tradee funds, collateral mortgage obligations, auction market preferred corporate debt securities, preferred stocks, mutual alternative investment securities, equity syndicate initial public offeringd and secondary purchases of equity non-syndicated initial public offerings.
The firm’s failures to delivere prospectuses resulted fromcoding errors, failures by certainh business units to notify the firm’xs operations department that a prospectus was requirerd to be delivered, and a failure to monitoer and supervise the activities of its outside vendo r contracted to deliver the In settling this matter, Wellsd Fargo Advisors neither admitted nor denied the but consented to the entry of FINRA’s As part of the a senior officer of the firm agreed to certify that the companyt has adopted and implemented systems and procedures to regaimn compliance with federal regulations.
Wachovia Securities was Wellxs Fargo Advisorslast month, aftee San Francisco-based (NYSE:WFC) bought Charlotte, N.C.-based
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Fla. man serving in Peace Corps killed -
Fla. man serving in Peace Corps killed The family of a Florida man killed while serving with the Peace Corps in South Africa is waiting for his body to return home. The United States Peace Corps ... |
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Greenhunter biodiesel refinery to be closed for up to eight weeks - Houston Business Journal:
Grapevine, Texas-based (AMEX: GRH) says its renewable fuels campusd on the Houston Ship Channel has lost powe r and that it does not expect it back for as long as two While some flooddamage occurred, the main structures of the refinerh remain in tact. GreenHunter has temporarg power coming fromtwo generators. “Damage to major procesd equipmentis minimal,” said Bruce Baughman, seniodr vice president of technology and engineering for GreenHunte BioFuels.
“We have discovererd damage to smallerreagent tanks, intermediat e tanks and their interconnecting piping and pumps, as well as damagde to the foundations of smaller Given the sheer volume of watere and the extreme flood levels that we faced, our initial assessmenrt is that we sustained overall minor to moderats impact.” The refinery was shut down and evacuatesd two days before Ike made
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Dad expects Calif to deny claim over murdered teen - The Associated Press
Dad expects Calif to deny claim over murdered teen The Associated Press The California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board previously rejected that claim. King said Thursday he expects his claim to be rejected as ... Father expects Calif to deny claim over dead teen |