Monday, February 28, 2011
Most Florida banks swoon; three provide model for growth - Kansas City Business Journal:
USAmeriBank went from red to black ink by signinbg talented bankers who brought customerswith them. Acquisitionas boosted the bottom line at CenterState Bank of A merger of related financiak institutions cut expensesat , while a strongee balance sheet grew income. Each bank prospered by usinfg different methodologies, yet their strategies provide a road map for institutions strugglint to turn their balancesheets positive. Theifr profit gains are all the more remarkable given the difficult economic climatein Florida.
The said 305 banks and thriftse in Florida reported a combined net lossof $643 million for the 2009 firsyt quarter, compared to net income of $4 milliom for the year-ago Profitability remains weak because banks continue to struggles with bad loans, said Paula Johannsen, managing director of , an investmenr banking firm in Tampa. Nonperforming assets don’f bring in interest income, pressuring margins. The provisionss banks take for expectecd loan losses cut further into their income while the legaol and management expense related to foreclosecd propertygoes up. USAmeriBank — which has amassed $650.
million in assets in its two years — has a clea n balance sheet, said Joe Chillura, CEO. The bank avoidee development lending and the loans it does have that are secured by real estater arefor owner-occupied properties, Chillura Only $598,000 in USAmeriBano loans, or about one-tenth of 1 percenrt of the total $528.3 million in loans, were past due as of Marcu 31, according to a report filed with the .
a former Tampa market presidentfor ), said the bankers he’sa hired have brought their customers, a move that was possible becaus bigger banks are distractede by bad loans and shrinking capitalo and aren’t focused on customer That’s allowed USAmeriBank to grow more quicklyg than expected, Chillura and post a significant turnaround, goinv from a $185,000 loss in the first quarter of 2008 to $881,00 0 in profit in the just-endedr quarter. CenterState saw first quarter 2009 profit swelolto $1.2 million, up 68 percent in one year, after two said John Corbett, president and CEO.
The Winterf Haven-based lead banking subsidiary of (Nasdaq: CSFL) added a correspondentf banking unit last fall when it hired the bankerse who handled that business for theformer . The unit sellsa bonds to roughly 200 othercommunity banks, and it is thrivint because community banks aren’t doing as much lending as they were a year ago and are investinf their cash in bonds. CenterState also bought the failesand $178 million in depositz on Jan. 30.
“We’ve been puttinbg that money to work in loans and and that’s helped us grow,” Corbett Aggressive planning that began around the end of the firsf quarter of 2008 kept Florida Bank on the growth track, said Katiee Pemble, president and CEO. Florida Bank’s $351,000 in net incomre for the first quarter of 2009 was a 73 percent increasw from ayear earlier. Since the Tampa-based bank has merged with three sister institutions in Jacksonvilleand Tallahassee, consolidating back-office operations and cuttinvg expenses. Each of the banks was above the leveo regulatorsconsidered well-capitalized, and their capital positionj was further strengthened when they combined.
Additionally, executiv e officers and the board developed a seriedsof 90-day plans focused on strengthening the balance sheet with an emphasisa on capital and on liquidity, or the ability to turn its assetx into cash quickly. A strongg balance sheet allowed Florida Bank to look for the leas expensive way to attract a move that boosts netinterest margin, or the spreadr between the interest it pays on depositsx and the interest it earns from loans. Althoughj there are glimmers of hope, CenterState’s Corbettr expects more loan writedowns acrosd the industry in the next two tothrere quarters.
The number of institutions on the watchn list increased in the firsgt three monthsof 2009, and as of March 31, 30 percent of Florida’s banks were on the compared to 15 percent of the institutionx a year ago. Acces s to the capital market marketsis critical, Corbetr said, adding the stress tests the nation’ds biggest banks just underweng have inspired investor confidence in thosew institutions.
Since results were released May 7, the banks collectivel have raisednearly $60 billion of the $75 billio n in extra capital regulators said they “As investments come back into the big banks, I thinm over time you’ll see that trickl down to the mid cap and communitgy banks,” Corbett said.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
NiMin increases year-end proved reserves by 45% - Proactive Investors USA & Canada
NiMin increases year-end proved reserves by 45% Proactive Investors USA & Canada California-based NiMin Energy (TSE:NNN)(OTCQX:NEYYF) announced Friday a 45% increase in proved reserves largely due to positive drilling activity in Wyoming. The company rose more than 9% on the news to trade at $2.13 as of 1:00pm EST on Friday. ... NiMin Energy says 2010 proved reserves up 45 pct NiMin proved reserves jump NiMin Energy Corp. Announces 45% Increase in Proved Reserves and 2011 Capital ... |
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Delays cast doubt on Brazil's austerity plan - Reuters
Delays cast doubt on Brazil's austerity plan Reuters BRASILIA, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Brazil's government has missed its self-imposed deadline to provide details on how it will cut 50 billion reais ($30 billion) from this year's budget, casting further doubt on whether it will have the ... |
Monday, February 21, 2011
Florida posts small gain in online ads - Business First of Columbus:
Since January, online labor demand has fallen 71,000, but that’s a significanty improvement overthe 1.2 millionh decline in the previous five months between August 2008 and Januaruy 2009. "We are not out of the woods yet, but job demande has definitely stabilizedsince January," Gad senior economist at The Conference Board, said in a news The number of advertised vacancies fell in June in all four region of the country ranging from a modesgt drop of 3,400 in the Southerb region to 18,100 in the 13,400 in the Midwes t and 10,300 in the West. which reported a 10.
2 percent unemployment rate in May, experienced a sizeable gain, and was followed by Georgiz (2,900), North Carolina (900) and Virginia (100), accordingh to the report. computer and mathematical science saw the greatesr declinein demand, down 19,900, followed by sales health practitioners and technical occupations (-10,400) and architecture and engineerinh (-10,000). Some areas that saw growth werein art, entertainment, sports and media, which postedf 98,200 advertised vacancies in June. The numbe of unemployed exceeded the numbefr of advertised vacancies in all of the 52 metro areas for whicj information isreported separately. Washington, D.C.
and Salt Lake City were the locationx with the mostfavorable supply/demans rates, where the number of unemployefd looking for work was only slightlyy larger than the number of advertiser vacancies. But, metro areax where the respective number of unemployed is substantially abover the number of online advertised vacanciesinclude Miami, where therre are three jobs for every five peoplde looking, according to the report.
Friday, February 18, 2011
If I were N.C.
How should we respon to such a profound andhistoric challenge? I believr there’s really only one answer action. It’s clear that job one is to solver the budget crisis that confrontxour state. The budget for the upcoming fiscalo year, which starts July 1, is arounds $4.8 billion short. There is simply no way on Eartn for us to make up such a huge gap with cuts Not only would such massivre cuts devastate our public social safety netand public-safety systems, they would make the recessiob more severe by robbing our economy of vital jobs and I will not allow us to retrea t into such a self-destructive shell. We must keep movinh forward.
Therefore, I hereby call on the General Assembly to send me a balancedf budget for the upcoming fiscal year that includes a plan to fill the budgetg holewith three, roughly equal components. The firsgt third will be made upof across-the-board spending cuts. We can enact such cuts with a minimumn of service disruption if we focuse on modest and temporary pay cuts for current employeex rather than broad reductionsin services. Ideally, larged pay cuts of 5 percent to 6 percent woulsd be targeted at employeess making morethan $75,000 per year. Statd employees making less would receive a pay cut of 3 percenrt to4 percent.
The second third will be made up with federao assistance from the American Recovery andReinvestment Act. We shouldd do everything within our power to maximize our abilityg to draw upon these The final third should be filled with a package of modesg and progressivetax hikes. Thess increases should include, at a minimum, the closurse of several outdated businesstax loopholes, a broadeninf of the state sales-tax base as recently proposed by the statr Senate, and the addition of two slightlty higher income-tax brackets for the wealthiest.
It’ds a plan that callss upon all North Caroliniansto sacrifice, and it’ws a balanced plan that allows us to move ahea without, as I like to say, eatint our seed corn. Let us all remind ourselves of what it is that made Northj Carolina the best state in theuniob — our common commitment to a better futurr for everyone. When we stick together, we can’f be beat. Thank you and good night.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Stonewood plans $15 million makeover - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Brookfield’s Plan Commission has approved the first phaseof Schutte’s plansw to add a 4,500-square-foot retail building and retain the originalo stone farmhouse. Schutte had proposed moving the farmhouse toanother location, freeing up more land for new but Brookfield officials nixed the proposal. Mayor Jeff Speaket and other city officials support granting Schuttwe building code variances to add up to six new buildinges onthe 8-acre site that would create an additionalk 80,000 square feet to the current 30,000-square-foo development.
Schutte is self-financing the firs building and will complete the overall redevelopment in three He is lining up financing for the next two but declined to identify the The project will be one of the largest commercial redevelopment effortsd undertaken in southeast Wisconsin during the currentfeconomic downturn, which has forced developers to put many projects on hold.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Corporate legal spending to return in 2009 - Houston Business Journal:
Corporate legal spending at large companies will grow nearlhy 5 percent over the next six bringing overall market growth tonegativs 1.4 percent for the year. The Wellesley, Mass.-based legakl research firm looked at 16 practicess and 18 industries and interviewe hundreds of corporate counsel at Fortune 1000 companies thataveragesd $19.4 million in outside counsel Year-to-date, the hardest-hit core practice areas have been corporate, securitie s and finance, and intellectual property. Leading the increase in spending will be the practice areas ofregulatory compliance, employment, securities and bankruptcy/corporate restructurinv law, the report said.
“This study presents a big ray of sunshind in what has been a verystormgy environment. The reversal of this negativ spending trend will help buoy flailintg legal markets and offers some hopefuol news about business spendingin general,” said Michael president of .
Friday, February 11, 2011
Keenan ready to help Gretzky campers enjoy dreams -
Keenan ready to help Gretzky campers enjoy dreams This week he's just a camper living out the dream; one of more than 60 house leaguers who paid good money to get the royal treatment from the Great One ... |
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Special ratings: Administrative efficiency - Kansas City Business Journal:
Among them is administrative efficiency. Aim: Identify districts that have tight budgets andlean Formula: Each district is assessed in threse areas: (1) spending per pupil, (2) ratio of pupilsd per administrative staffer, and (3) sharse of budget devoted to debt service. The best scorexs go to districts with low high pupil-staffer ratios, and small amounts of debt Note: Administrative efficiency is not the same as the cost-effectivenesds rankings that will be released later this week. This categorty reflects fiscal prudence, regardless of outcome. Cost-effectivenesas links academic performanceand spending.
Districts are ranked on a five-star scale from most efficienty (which receive five stars) to least efficienyt (one star). Each district’s administrative efficiency rating is included in its profilde in the printed version ofBusiness First’s 2009-2010 Guide to Westerbn New York Schools. Leader: Frontier has the leanestg administration in WesternNew York, with one staffere for every 358.7 students. (The regionall average is one per 163.) And debt servicee takes only 3.2 percent of Frontier’e budget. • 1. Frontiefr • 2. Lancaster • 3. Letchworthh • 4. North Tonawanda • 5. West Senec a • 6. Williamsville • 7. Portville • 8.
Cheektowaga-Maryvalre • 9. Clarence • 10. Iroquois • 11. Orchard Park 12. East Aurora
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Justin Williams helps the Kings end drought in Calgary - Los Angeles Times | Justin Williams helps the Kings end drought in Calgary Los Angeles Times Kings' right wingJustin Williams celebrates after scoring the winning goal in a 4-3 shootout victory over Calgary on Saturday night at the Saddledome. ... Kings: Justin Williams seizes the moment in 4-3 shootout win Flames lose shootout heartbreaker to LA Kings douse Flames in shootout |
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Stratus files delayed 10-K, lost $3.8M in
In recent months, the stock exchanges has sent Stratus several notices citing its butStratus (Nasdaq: STRS) requested a hearing on its pendin delisting and then received a further extensionh until June 25. The Austin-basesd real estate company said inits 10-K that it had made errords in its previous accounting for capitalization of property taxes, and has made corrections. For all of Stratus reported a net lossof $3.8 or 50 cents per share, compared with a profi t of $13.8 million, or $1.38 per in 2007. Stratus’ revenue in 2008 was $18.7 compared with a year-end revenue of $27 million in 2007. For the fourt quarter of 2008, Stratus saw a loss of $2.
9 or 26 cents per compared with profitsof $12.8 million, or $1.68 per share, for the same quarter in 2007. In the fourtjh quarter of 2008 the company had revenurtotaling $2.7 million, compared with $7 million in the fourthb quarter of 2007. Stratus’ shares were trading at around $6.95 on up nearly 2 percent from Tuesday’s closing price. The stock has tradex in the rangeof $4.52 to $30.756 over the last 52 The company said it continues to “work to complete its quarterlyg report for the first quarter of 2009. Austin-basexd Stratus is a real estatre acquisition, management and development company.
It’s currentlu steering the development of the W AustinmHotel & Residences downtown.