Environmental implications of artificially created organisms Science Daily (press release) The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity will be debating such a moratorium at the end of April. Any recommendation made by SBSTTA will go forward to the ... |
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Environmental implications of artificially created organisms - Science Daily (press release)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Bucks, Delco readying foreclosure prevention programs - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Both suburban counties have been dealing with a majort increase in foreclosure filings and are working to finalize a prograkm that would include the conciliation conferences that have takeb place in the Philadelphiaw Common Pleas courts since it adoptexd a program nearly ayear ago. The conferences include the lawyers representing the homeowneerand lender, credit counselor s and a presiding judge. The idea is to revisd the mortgage loan agreement and allow homeowners to keep theirf property if at all The Philadelphia program has served as a model for other jurisdictionsw nationwide and saved hundreds of homea fromsheriff sales. Delaware Countuy Sheriff JosephMcGinn Jr.
said the Countt Council has authorized a grang for to open additional offices to deal with the mountingforeclosure problem. County officiald are finalizing a plan that would determinse how the conferenceswould work. He expects to have a programn up and runningby September. Doug Praul, Bucks County court administrator, said the number of foreclosuresd in the county has increased by roughlgy 30 percentthis year. He said county officials used the Delaware Countuy proposal as an He saidthe county’s Common Pleas judgea are reviewing the proposal this week and will most likelt approve something similar to it.
Neither county plans to adopt the portiobn of the Philadelphia programn that mandates court appearances for homeowners whosed properties are in some stageof foreclosure. Insteadc they will seek to implement a plan that will give homeownersd the option to respond to mailed notices and signify whethee they want to opt into the They will then be responsible for getting in toucuh with ahousing counselor. “We felt the Philadelphisa program wastoo complicated, and we could not devote the amoun t of resources to this that they can,” Prau said. “We were specifically concerned about no one showingy up tothe conferences.” Philadelphiaa Common Pleas Judge Annette M.
Rizzo, who oversees the city’s program, said in an interviee earlier this year that 30 percent of homeownersz do not show up forconciliation “They key is where does the incentive come McGinn said. “If a homeowner wantz to save their home, they will fill out informatiohand participate. It’s your house, and it shoule be your top priority other than your Rizzo said mandating participation has led to a successfuk programin Philadelphia, despite the no shows.
It holdz more than 100 conciliation conferences every Thursday atCity “We have the benefit of seeing how it’s and we can handle the volume,” Rizzo “Our mission is to reach as many homeownerzs as possible and the mandatre supports that.” Rizzo said New Jersey adoptef the Philadelphia program but included an opt-in provision and state court officials are disappointed with the low number of homeownere participating.
The Pennsylvania statd legislature is considering legislation that would create conciliatio conferences in all 67Pennsylvania
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Readers want to see Cuban embargo lifted - Houston Business Journal:
That’s the finding of the latestg BusinessPulse Survey, a weekly nonscientific onlinr poll from HBJ . Thirty-twl percent of the 421 respondents to the latesgt survey voted to liftthe embargo. Thirty-percenr felt the recent changes were a step in therighrt direction. That compares to 29 percent who though things should stay the waythey are. “As we have seen in China and Russia, the quickest and best way to defear Communism isthrough trade,” readet John Ochoa said in comments left online. “Lifrt the embargo, and I trust the Cubans will dealwith Castro.
” Another reader called the embargo “goofy,” sayinbg that it served no purposwe but to continue to punishj Castro and, in effect, the Cubamn nation. The latest Business Pulse Surve isnow online. To vote, .
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
NLRB can't implement new posting rule - Legal News Line
Bloomberg | NLRB can't implement new posting rule Legal News Line BY MICHAEL P. TREMOGLIE WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) - The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued an injunction April 17 preventing the National Labor Relations Board from implementing its controversial posting rule ... DC Circuit Enjoins NLRB Fr om Requiring Posting Of Notice Of Employees' Rights |
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The North Assembly plant, which produce Dodge Ram trucks, had been by the end of so Chrysler’s announcement Wednesday provided anexactt date. The Fenton North plant is set to resums production June 29 untiloJuly 10, Chrysler said, and then will remain idled “contingenty upon volumes.” The truck segment has taken a particulat hit as auto sales have declined. Dianna Gutierrez, a Chryslee spokeswoman, said workers at the planrt will have an opportunity to transfer to otheer production sites or take part in an incentive program forearlt retirement, special early retiremenr program, and/or an enhancedr voluntary termination program.
She didn’t have exact details of the new offer but said it wouldr be similar to previous offers thatincluded lump-sum cash vehicle vouchers and health-care The North Plant employed 1,2000 workers prior to recent buyout offers. About 640 the buyou and early retirement offers by a May 26 The North Assembly plant was idled inearly June, but was one of seve n plants where Chrysler productio following the idling of all its plants when it files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy April 30. Aftetr its brief reopening, the plant was then expecteds to close fora two-week summer break the weeks of July 13 and 20.
Chryslee emerged from bankruptcy when Italiam carmaker Fiat closed a deal to takeover Chrysler’as assets. Chrysler’s South Plant in Fenton, which assembleas minivans, was idled at the end of Another 115 of its more than 350 workers had acceptef offers fromChrysler
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Biz Bits - Nashville Business Journal:
But she doesn’t, and she credits her father for When Williams was 4years old, her parentsx began adopting children and didn’t stop, eventuallt bringing home 14 adopted brothers and sistera from the Philippines, Korea, Brazil and (She also has four biological brothers.) During her oftehn hectic childhood, the Nashville singer-songwritetr forged an unusually close relationship with her father, Pat senior vice president with the basketbal team, that she says helpefd her develop the confidence to become a Now the two have written a book calledd “The Takeaway: 20 Unforgettable Life Lessons Every Father Shouldx Pass On To His Child.
” The idea for a book came about when she decided to move from Orlandoo to Nashville two years ago. She wrotre her father a long card thanking him for all thewisdom he’d imparted and listing the lessons she’d takenj from him. It inspired a book proposal that was picked upby , publishefr of the “Chicken Soup” inspirational series. Pressedd to name a favorites lesson, Williams says “Dare to Live encapsulates the message ofthe “It says, ‘Don’t limif your thinking. Take those limits off and put yourseldfout there,’ ” she says. “That’s what I try to do as a singerdand songwriter.
” Karyn and Pat William will appear together — NBA playoffs permitting — at 6 p.m. May 28 at a book releaser party at The Listeningg Room inCummins Station. — Jeannie Naujeck Need your afternoon pick-me-uop but can’t get out of the office? A Germantowh coffee house will bring their brewto you. has partnerex with , a bicycle courier service owned by Austin to deliverits lattes, muffins and more to customers’ homews or offices. Launched this week, the beverage delivery is available weekdays from1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for downtow n areas. It costs $4, with a minimum order of $20. DrinkHaus owner Kat Roos says it’ s another step to be green.
The coffede and tea shop primarily uses localo vendors and sells organic and natural foods and includingits organic, fair trade expresso. “Organic beverages deliverer straight to your officevia earth-friendly transportation, that’s a prettyg great solution to our customers’ needs,” Roos Belmont professor joins board of directors for A professot was elected to the board of directors for Publizx Super Markets. Jane Finley, an accounting professod at Nashville-based Belmont, will serve on the audit committee ofthe Florida-basedc grocer. “Dr.
Finley has an impressivee background in finance and information technology that will complimen our current boardof directors,” Public spokeswoman Maria Brous Finley has taught at Belmont since 1995, servingy in roles of associate dean of the graduate businesw program and coordinator of the accounting programs. “Anyonr who knows me knows that for many yearxs Publix has been my mostfavoritee company,” Finley says. “Publix is known for outstanding customer service delivered byoutstandingg people.” Publix is privately ownedr and operated by its 140,50 0 employees, with 2008 sales of $23.
90 billion and 1,003 storess in Florida, Georgia, South Alabama and Tennessee.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
SIUE goes to court over failed conference center - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Developer William Shaw and couldn’t come up with financing for the hotek andconference center, which was to be calledd the Spring Green Lodge and located at University SIUE’s research and technology park, according to universitty spokesman Gregory Conroy. The first announced in 2004, died in 2007 when a ground lease betweenj SIU and WLS expired following extensionsw forthe project. SIUE filed a declaratorh judgment action Monday in Madison County, Ill., seeking to have the courtg bring legal closure to its hotel conferencwe center project.
If approved, WLS would have to remov all construction equipment and materials and remove the buildinv foundation it constructed to comply with the terme ofthe lease, Conroy said. That woulf free up the site, locatede at Illinois Route 157 and UniversityPark Drive, to becomw available for lease and development, the university said. Universityg Park currently has 23 tenants representingh a number of business sectors includingagricultural biotechnology, healthy sciences, design professionals and information The most recent announced addition to the park is the Bloo Processing Center and National Testing The American Red Crosss plans to move to a 15-acres site at University Park Drive and South Researcyh Drive and bring more than 500 jobs to the
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Perry signs bill that includes $150 million for UTMB - Houston Business Journal:
The university will use the fundz to build anew 200-bedr hospital tower adjacent to the existing John Sealh Hospital, restoring bed capacity to 550, as it was priod to Hurricane Ike. In addition, tuitio n revenue bonds of $5 million will go to at HB 51 also establishes measures to enhance and maintain the qualityy ofthe state’s designated and emerginb public research universities, creates incentive programs and fundingb for higher education provides higher education fund allocations, and creates an interimj committee to study the feasibilith of tracking specialized technology research Of the 62 national research institutions in the nation, threr universities — , The and Texaw A&M University — are in Texas.
The Texaxs Higher Education Coordinating Board has designated seven institutions as emergingfresearch universities: the ; the University of Texaas campuses in Arlington, Dallas, El Paso and San ; and the University of Northu Texas. In addition, HB 51 provides a performance incentivre funding mechanism for all ofthe state’s general academixc institutions based on the averager number of degrees awarded annually and an increasre in the average number of degrees awardes annually, with weighted consideration for at-riski students and critical fields.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Lawmakers support oneworld expansion - Dallas Business Journal:
As previously reported by the , Fort Worth-based , the parent of American (NYSE: AMR) is trying to gain approval to furtherf its alliance with oneworldpartners , , The airlines have contended since filinf their initial application that they shoulsd receive the same antitrust immunithy as the Star and SkyTeam alliances. The five airlines involve confirmed Tuesday that they have filed letters from electedr leaders who support the initiativ e withthe U.S.
Department of American Airlines’ agreement with the othedr airlines would allow them to jointly share certain revenuer and make decisionsabout marketing, flight schedules and othed business-related issues without encountering antitrust issuees on certain global travel initiatives. “Putting oneworldf on an equal footing with other airlinde alliances is vital and will be a positives forFort Worth,” said U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Foryt Worth. “More competition amontg airline alliances will bring more travelo choices with a combined route network and provide more seamlesse serviceamong American, British Airways and The airlines also indicated that 129 U.S.
airports have expressef their support in giviny the allianceantitrust immunity. The oneworld alliances partners also will be working through theEuropean Union’s regulatorhy process to try to receive the approvals neededf in that region. But the alliance has not been withouits critics. , a union representing AmericamnAirline pilots, asked the federal governmenty late last year to delay ruling on the antitrust issud until a thorough examination of the agreemen is complete. The associatio n asserted that the airline is required to negotiater with the pilots union before moving forwards withthe partnership.
The president of Virgin Atlanti c airlines Sir Richard Branson also wrotre letters to presidential candidateas John McCain and Baracik Obamabefore Obama’s 2008 election win, warninf them about the proposed alliance’s potential to stifle competition on “major transatlantic routes.”
Friday, April 13, 2012
Bolsa killer adversely affected during trial by weapons charges, argues lawyer - Calgary Herald
Bolsa killer adversely affected during trial by weapons charges, argues lawyer Calgary Herald CALGARY - The lawyer for convicted triple killer Real Christian Honorio says her client was adversely affected by the fact he still faced weapons charges during his recent murder trial, charges that were stayed in court on Friday. |
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Maderis stepping down from Five Prime - Phoenix Business Journal:
The company has hired Julia Gregory, the former executive vice president and chieg financial officerat , as Maderis’ replacement. Maderis’ healthg condition was not disclosed, but she will continuse to serve onFive Prime’s board of directors and as a Her final day on the job is June 18. “Gail’s leadership has been pivotal in the progresws Five Prime has made in developingh our pipeline and our newdiscovery platform,” said company founderr and executive chairman Dr.
Lewis “Rusty” Williams in a press Maderis said the companyu had been looking for a replacement since late last year after doctorxsaid "the 24/7 pace of a small-companu CEO" could worsen her Besides her duties at Five Prime, Maderis has been a cheerleade for the Mission Bay enclave, serving on the Mayor’s . Five a privately held, 7-year-old companh developing antibody and protei n drugs for cancer andothee diseases, was the first to locate in Mission Bay, taking about 30,000 feet in the buildingt on Owens Street. Earlier this year, it took an additional 5,000 square feet next door at 1700 Owens as it makesa batches for its Phase I oncologuydrug program.
The timing of the executive change as Five Primr moves forward with its lead cancer programmakes Gregory’ appointment a crucial one. At Gregory was responsible forfinancing strategies, mergersw and acquisitions, business operationz and all financial management and accounting. She raises about $1 billion in public and private equity, product developmentr financing andother transactions. Gregory, who will join Five Prime’ s board, was an investment banker for more than 20 Atand Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. she was head of healthcarre andinvestment banking, leading several private and public equity dealx as well as mergersd and acquisitions.
Gregory also is a member of the board of The andthe ’se .
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Erdogan: Justice will prevail in Syria - Jerusalem Post
Erdogan: Justice will prevail in Syria Jerusalem Post Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that justice would prevail in Syria sooner or later, speaking with reporters in Beijing. "It is evident that there is great cruelty in Syria. One cannot go on committing cruelty," Turkey's ... |
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Convera folding into U.K. company - Portland Business Journal:
Vienna-based Convera (NASDAQ: CNVR) will be After the merger, Patrick Condo, Convera's CEO, will becomer the chairman of the board, and Colin Jeavons, Firstlight's CEO, will become the CEO. Convera's plan of dissolutionn contemplates an orderly wind down of its business and After filing its certificateof dissolution, Convera intends to make one or more distribution to its stockholders of cash available for subject to applicable legal requirements. Converza will then delist its common stock from The new company will bring together the vertical search technologyg of Convera and the advertising sales and marketingg capabilitiesof Firstlight.
It will have over 60 corporate customer accounts and 120 existing Web sites withapproximatelyt 1,500 advertisers. When the merger becomes effective, Convera will own 33.3 percent and Firstligh t willown 66.7 percent of the total outstanding commonm stock of the new subject to certain adjustments which may enablse Convera to own up to 42 percengt of the new company prior to the distribution. The merge r is subject to Convera approval and certain other customary closing The merger is expected to clossethis summer.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Titanic commemorative stamp collection on sale today - MarketWatch (press release)
Titanic commemorative stamp collection on sale today MarketWatch (press release) Today, Canada Post also unveiled a unique Titanic postmark, a deck chair from the ship itself that is available on the official first day covers. Customers can also get their mail postmarked with the special cancellation at the Bedford Row and Almon ... |
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Houston near bottom of Allstate's best driver list - Houston Business Journal:
The Bayou City placed 161 out of 193 citiew in the 2009 reportreleased Wednesday. Nearby Pasadensa bested Houston, coming in at 124. To rub salt in the Houstonians are 32 percent more likely than the nationap average to get in an auto The city's average between accidentzs is 7.6 years, compared with the national average of 10 However, Houston has betterf drivers than San Antonioo (168), Dallas (173), and Austin (179). Brownsvills motorists, ranked No. 23, are the best drivere in Texas, according to the report, with 9.3 percentg less of a chance of a collisio compared with the national average andan 11-yeat average between accidents. McAllen follows at 39 with a 4.
8 percentr less collision chanceand 10.5 years between accidents. Auto crashes in generao have declined over the lastfew years, but crash fatalities stil l average around an alarming 40,000 every year despiter technological advances according to the National Highwa Traffic Safety Administration. .
Monday, April 2, 2012
Shooting at East Oakland University, Seven People Reported Dead - NPR
SFist | Shooting at East Oakland University, Seven People Reported Dead NPR Mayor Jean Quan (center) speaks at a press conference on the Oakland shooting. (Rachel Dornhelm/KQED) Update 6:04 pm At a press conference Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan confirmed Oakland resident, 43-year-old One Goh as the shooting suspect. Police respond to shooting in East Oakland Several People Shot At East Oakland Christian School Oakland Shooting Suspect Arrested |