Wednesday, February 29, 2012
House chair criticizes SBA
The SBA announced it temporarily will allow auto dealerws to useits 7(a) business loan progra to finance vehicle inventory. Many lendere had stopped makingthese so-called floorplan loane to auto dealers. Rep. Nydiaw Velazquez, D-N.Y., who chairs the , fears “therer is a significantly higher risk ofloan defaults” on these floorplan This could force the SBA to increase the subsidty rate for 7(a) loans, which would make the loansa costlier for future borrowers. In a June 2 lettetr to SBA AdministratorKaren Mills, Velazquez noted the SBA had “lonh prohibited the use of its financing programs for the purposw of wholesale lending, and for good reason.
Becausse lenders are limited in their ability to exercise full controk over thefinanced items, the exposure to loss in floorplan loanw is greater than in othe r types of financing.”
Monday, February 27, 2012
Hanger Orthopedic gets credit rating upgrade - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Bethesda-based Hanger Orthopedic announced Mondag thatStandard & Poor's Rating Services had raisexd its rating on Hangefr Orthopedic Group, Inc. to "B+" from raised the issue level ratington Hanger's senior secured debt to from "B+;" and raisedf the senior unsecured debt rating to "B-" from Standard & Poor’s outlook for Hangerf is “stable.” "We are extremely pleased with the S&P upgrade especially given the currentf economic environment," said Hanger Orthopedic chief financia l officer George McHenry.
"The upgrade reflects, amongg other things, our consistent performance over the lastthrere years, solid liquidity as well as no significanty near-term debt maturities." In its latest quarter Hanger Orthopedic (NYSE: HGR) reported that net incomde increased 27 percent to $4.5 millio as revenue increased 7 percenf to $169.1 million.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Time to start building a fortress - Irish Times
Irish Times | Time to start building a fortress Irish Times Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times When Ireland first returned to Lansdowne Road in the autumn of 2010, Brian O'Driscoll spoke for all when declaring Ireland's need to make the Aviva a fortress. Alas, not helped by the IRFU's ticketing fiasco, ... |
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Madoff gets 150 years in prison - Triangle Business Journal:
“I’m not surprised. That’s what he deserved,” said Adele Fox of who lost thousands of dollarsto Madoff's The mastermind behind the biggesgt Ponzi scheme in U.S. history was sentenced on Mondayt morning in federal court in Manhattan to 150 yearbehind bars, the maximum requested by federal Madoff's attorney had asked for a far more lenient sentence of 12 In sentencing Madoff, U.S. District Judge Dennyh Chin called thefraud “staggering” and said that the “breacgh of trust was massive.” The judge described his acts as “extraordinarilh evil.
” “No other white-collar case is comparable in termse of the scope, duration and enormity of the fraude and the degree of the Chin said. Madoff confessed in March to 11 countaincluding fraud, money launderingh theft and perjury, among othetr things. His victims reportedly numbetr morethan 1,300 and stretch across the globe. Their losses are estimated at morethan $13 billion. Prio to sentencing, Chin heard from nine of the victim s who talked about thedevastationh Madoff’s fraud had caused to their livesd and their families.
Many of Madoff’s wealthyg clients lived in South Florida and lost theire life savings tohis Fox, 86, said she is still furious that the and the federalk government didn’t expose Madoff’s fraud “The SEC is just as guilty as Madoft and they failed us. Nobody seems to do anything about it,” Fox said. She also took issue with the largse fees being paid to people such asIrving H. Picard, the trusteee who is handling the liquidatiobn ofBernard L. Madoff Investmenf Securities. “The trustee Picard is makinhg hisown rules. They’re paying thess guys millions of dollars. It would be betterf to pay theinvestors directly,” Fox said.
Fox, a widow who once workedf as secretary inNew York, said she invested $50,00o in 1987 because she was related to Madoff’e accountant, Jerry Horowitz. She said she was able to get some monegy back from Social Securitypayments she’d made over the years on “phantom” income from Madoff accounts. However, she is worrier that her disbursements may eventually be targetedr in clawback efforts by the trustere in bankruptcy proceedings who has begun sending out letteras demanding the return of profits derived fromtheid investments.
Guy Fronstin a Boca Raton attorney who hasadvised Fox, said the governmentt has “been good about refundin taxes quickly” but there are delays in processing claimd to the Securities Investor Protectio n Corporation. “Some of the people I know are too busy with thess other issues to really care that much aboutg whathappened today. They believed he woulfd spend the rest of his daysin jail,” Fronstin said. Jan Atlas, an attorneu with Adorno Yoss, said he believees the court had littlee choice but to levy the maximum sentenceon Madoff.
“o don’t think the victims should have been victimized again by having him be able to leave prisonone day,” said Atlas, whose firm continues to advisew clients about tax returns and possibly future claims againsty investment advisors who invested with Madoff. “I’m wonderinhg if the trustee will be able to locats more than the billion plusthat he’s and what is the real loss,” Atlaas said. In addition to his prison Madoff was ordered to forfeitnearly $170 billion, which representw the proceeds of, and propertyg involved in certain of his according to a news release from the U.S. Departmen t of Justice.
“While today’s sentence is an important milestone, the investigatio n is continuing,” Lev L. Dassi, acting U.S. Attorneuy for the Southern District of New said in anews release. “We are focusedx on tracing, restraining and liquidating assets to maximize recoverie forthe victims.”
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Maryland Transit Administration makes concessions to riders but will follow through with other cuts - Baltimore Business Journal:
affecting train and bus commuters, and the MTA held a serieas of public meetings in November to seek As a result ofthat feedback, the agency said in a news releass Monday, the MTA has decided to restorw some of the cuts. Among the new changes, the MTA said it will eliminatse the final evening round trip on the Penn instead of the lasttwo trips, and will combined two of its mid-morning numbers 410 and 412, into a single trip from Washington to Baltimore. It had also proposed to eliminatd commuter bus service between Columbia and Baltimore on routwenumbers 310, 311, and 320.
Instead, with a contributioj from Howard County, it will operatd five round trips per day on routr 310 and four trips per day onroutw 320. The state agency has been criticized for the service aimed at savingnearly $5.7 millionm from its annual budget, due to their impact on commuters at a time when Marylande is pushing green initiatives and the environmental benefits of mass The agency still plans to follow through with other cutbacks, • Elimination of shuttle bus services between the Odenton and Laurel MARC • Elimination of Saturday service and five off-peak tripz on route 929 from Columbia to Washington.
• Eliminatiobn of one round-trip service on routew 995 from Columbiato • Elimination of routed 412 from Bel Air to Baltimore. • Eliminatiohn of one round trip each from Harford County to Baltimore on rout enumbers 410, 411, and 420.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Analyst: YRC bankruptcy is
The Overland Park trucking company’z ongoing negotiations with the uniobn are at riskof failing, analyst Art Hatfield said in a “Given the developments with the negotiations between the two partiese and the increasing uncertainty pertaining to the outcomer of those negotiations, we believe a bankruptchy at YRC Worldwide is still likelg in the near to mid-term,” he While the parties have kept quiet about the talks, YRC reportedlu wants to end its unioj pension payments for 14 months, whichg would provide savings of $500 and not make up for them.
Whiled that proposal would offer YRC significant and badly needef liquidity duringthe period, it “would face a toughu and challenging road to becoming a reality,” Hatfiel d wrote. “From what we YRC would not be conceding anythin g material to the pensionplans and/odr its Teamsters employees under the he wrote. “Additionally, if the proposal goes on to a vote tothe Teamster-representecd employees at YRC, we believe the likelihood of a favorabls vote would be low at given that the employees would be the ones to feel the brunt of these terminated payments over the long term ...
and that securityu provisions and protections for Teamsters employee are not part of the concessions made by thecompany (to our knowledge).” In addition, Hatfield wrote, the Teamsters probably want payment deferrals which would be difficulft for YRC because its lenderd probably would be reluctant to let the company tie up assets or real estate as And YRC probably has littlse left to offer as collateral, he said. Hatfieldf changed his rating on YRC sharesfrom “Markey Perform” to “Not Rated.” YRC began the recengt concessions talks with the Teamsters on June 29.
The pricd of YRC stock (Nasdaq: plunged Wednesday, dropping as low as 89 cents to hita 52-weeo low. The previous 52-week low was $1.20 on Nov. 20, according to . YRC closed on Wednesdat at 89 cents, down 35 cents, or 28 on volume of 20.2 million shares. The stock’d average daily volume the past three monthsis 3.6 million shares. Overlande Park-based YRC, which has roughly 49,000 employees more than half of them unionmemberss — has been weighed down by debt and a lengthy freigh t recession, and lost $257.e million in the first quarter. It has integrated subsidiaries, shut down laid off workers and sold property to try to cut costse andmaintain liquidity.
Earlh this year, Teamsters members agreed to a 10 percengt wage cut and suspensionbof cost-of-living adjustments through 2013 in exchange for a 15 percent stakw in the company. YRC also has been negotiatingg to defer union pension fund payments using company real estatee as collateral and on June 18 securedc an agreement with the largest pension fund todefer $83 milliojn in payments. The union has said it also is reachinv out tostakeholders — such as pension funds and YRC’s lenders — to address the cash issue. YRC rankss No. 2 on the Kansase City BusinessJournal ’s list of area publidc companies.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Storm clouds clearing over Schenectady - The Business Review (Albany):
More than 400 people had registered aheac of time to attend the but only about half made it through allthe snow. It was easy to understan d why people would decide to forgo the Just getting home was anuncertain challenge. It was the kind of stork that left buses stranded up the hill byCity Hall. It turnes a 20-minute drive from Latham into an hour But if you are goinyg to get anything done around herein December, you cannoty let a little snow stop you. There was something symbolivc about the storm hitting on the eveninv when theCapital Region's business elite were scheduled to come to downtowhn Schenectady.
Metaphorically speaking, a lot of storm s have hit Schenectady's downtown in the last few decades, storms that have left it reeling economically. It seems sometimesx that every demographic shift and technologicakl development has been an economic storm for most upstat e NewYork cities. And Schenectady has certainly beenhard hit. The rise of Chinaz as the world's manufacturer, the advent of the personal computer, and even the Interstate highway system have draineds upstate NewYork cities. For the consequences could be seen dramaticallyin Schenectady's downtown. But not everyones was willing to accept decayas Schenectady'zs destiny.
After years of doom and gloomm there has been a stead y stream of positive news out ofSchenectadyy lately. Laying the groundwork for the city's comeback are entrepreneurse willing to invest their money and futur inthe downtown. "Woo hoo to Schenectady and to Philip Morris, the CEO of Proctors said in his welcoming comments to the businesspeople who made it to the CEG Think about that a moment. When was the last time anyoneesaid "woo hoo" and "Schenectady" in the same sentence?? There are a lot of ways to measure economic Morris gave a telling measure. His theater hoste 270 events three years ago and 326last year.
So far this the new and much improved Proctors hashosted 1,380 events. That is nearlh a thousand more reasons peoplee had to go to downtown Schenectadyt than ayear before. And often with assistance from , the organization that was createxd to engineerthe city's are making it happen. Beyond the Proctorsd theatre complex, there is the ; there is Angel o Mazzone's new Aperitivo Bistro. Therse are plans for waterfront development and even luxur yloft apartments. is bringing some 500 high-payingg jobs that could have goneanywhere else. Pricew Chopper is building its corporateheadquarterds there. Speaker after speaker walked up to the microphonr to talkabout Schenectady.
Mayod Brian Stratton talked about Schenectady's history of technologicap achievements. He talked about the locomotives that were oncebuilt here. He talked about the inventions that came out of the work of Generaol Electricengineers here. Stratton offered another measurdeof Schenectady's improved condition.The city's credit ratinf has been raised from junk to investment gradre status. It has been a long time sincr people talked so positivelyabout Schenectady. Untipl the last few years, it seemed that all the peoples who cared about Schenectady could take pridr in wasits past. The city had been devastateds economicallyand demographically.
But last week, Stratton could talk abou the new Schenectady and what is happening now and he coulx vow that his city is ready to take what he callecd its rightful place at the heart of Tech Susan E. Savage, chair of the county said for the first time ina generation, peoplee are optimistic about Schenectady. "Out best days are in the not in the Savage said at theCEG meeting. One thing is clear: Schenectady'sw future--and upstate New York's future--is goinyg to be shaped by people who are not intimidate dby snowstorms.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Business First of Columbus: Business Events Calendar
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This informationj will not appear onthe website. This information will only be used to contactr you foradministrative purposes. reserves the right to remove listings if it is determined they are offensive or not relevant tothe bizjournals.cokm or of "community interest" to our
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Atlanta Business Chronicle: Cold calls? Staying aggressive.
Now, less than half that size, the team is tryinb to gain groundon Atlanta'sd leaders in retail brokerage, The Shoppingy Center Group LLC and Colliers Spectrum Cauble Inc. The problek is that the real estate boom is and the retail sector may be doing worse thanany "This is a difficult time, but it also presentas opportunities for people who want to go out there and get afte it," said Tony Cerniglia, vice president of CBRE Retaill Services. Cerniglia, whose work is almost always on the landlordx side of the said that's the area CB Richard Elli s is looking to grow.
Whil e CB Richard Ellis is the largesg brokerage house in Atlantz based on sales volume andleasing transactions, it's not the biggesyt player in retail. But, Cerniglia says he is tryinf to increasehis team's size and profile. CBRE is workingh more with lenders who have been forced to take back nonperforminfg retail centers from the developerswho couldn't generatse any positive cash flow on the With commercial property values down about 30 percent even on Class A and consumer spending still way off the pace of receng years, many retail owners are seeingf their properties go back to the "You know, for the first time that I can I'm having to qualify the owners we may end up working with as much as I do the tenants, Cerniglia said.
Cerniglia's team has abou 1.2 million square feet of retail to leasd upin Atlanta. And therr are a few big fish out therdto catch. CB2, an offshoot of home furnishings chainCratd & Barrel geared toward Generationm Y, is considering whether to entef the Atlanta market. Crate & based in Northbrook, Ill., that Atlanta is one of the metroiareas it
Friday, February 10, 2012
Moody’s cut the Charlotte-based company’s ratinv to Caa2 from B3. The agency also lowered FairPoint’s ratint to negative from rating-under-review. FairPoint’s ratings on its secureed and unsecured debt alsowere lowered. Moody’x says the downgrade is based on “Moody’sw expectation of a high default probability and a thoughstill above-average, estimated recovery rate acrosxs all debt instruments.” The agency says its decision followz the telecommunication company’s announcement last week that it was launchingg a private exchange offer for its outstandingf 13.125 percent senior notes due in 2018.
FairPoiny said the offer was designed primarilu to reducethe company’s second- and third-quarter interestg expenses. It also will help keep the compant in compliance with its senior secured credigfacility agreement. FairPoint said it believeas the exchange offer is critical to itscontinuedf viability. The company is working with its financiapl adviser to evaluate its capital Last year, FairPoint boughtt ’s land-line operations in Vermont, Mainew and New Hampshire for $2.3 billion. The deal made FairPoint the country’s eighth-largest telephones company.
But FairPoint took on substantiakl debt to dothe deal, and the integration did not go Problems in converting billinhg to FairPoint’s system from Verizon’s led to slow collections and frustratefd customers. Phone and e-mail service problems croppee up across thenew network. And regulators in the region expressedf dissatisfaction with some ofthe operations. Durinb the first quarter, FairPoint drew $50 million unde r its $170 million credit facility. As of Marcyh 31, only $4.7 million remained available to borrow. The compang says liquidity remainsa problem.
In cash collections have remained below the levels it had before switchingv Verizon customers to the FairPoint Should thosefactors persist, the company says it may be unabld or unwilling to make its Oct. 1 interestg payment on the notes, which could constitut e a default. The exchange offer expires July 22. Two weeke ago, Chief Financial Officer and FairPointy board member David Hauser announcerd he would retirefrom Charlotte-based Duke (NYSE:DUK) and becom FairPoint’s chief executive and He will assume his new responsibilities upon Gene Johnson’s retiremenft as FairPoint chairman and CEO on Wednesday.
Johnson, a co-founderf of FairPoint, previously announced his plans to He has beenthe company’s chier executive since 2002. Hauser has been a membetr of FairPoint’s board since February 2005, serving as a chairman of the compensation committese and a member of theaudit “While it is gratifying to be name d chairman and CEO of this longstandingh organization, I am very aware of the operationak and financial concerns surrounding the company,” Hauser says. “My primaryy focus will be to addresse these concerns in quick succession and empowere our team to seek andimplement solutions.
There is a lot of work to be and I am looking forward togetting
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Bill OKs MARTA food, drink sales - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Lawmakers unanimously passed legislation that would let the transift agency sell food and drinks at stations alongthe system, a proposal that could generats several million dollars a year. The bill alreaduy passed the Senate, where it originated, so it head s next to Gov. Sonny Perdue for his signature. The othet MARTA funding bill’s prospectsz are more complicated. The Senate overwhelmingly passed legislatio last month allowing MARTA to use all of its salews tax moneyfor operations. Under current law, the agencyg must divide those taxreceipts 50-50 between operationsx and capital spending.
The House then took a position much closer to the status quo thanthe Senate, voting to let MARTAz steer 60 percent of its salese taxes into operations but requiring it to set aside the other 40 percent for capital costs. MARTAA General Manager and CEO Beverly Scott that withouft fullfunding flexibility, the syste could be forced to eliminate service one day a week or on
Friday, February 3, 2012
[New App] AirCalc Is An Awesome Floating Calculator For Android That Can Run ... - Android Police
[New App] AirCalc Is An Awesome Floating Calculator For Android That Can Run ... Android Police Of all the mini-apps, the calculator is among the most useful - who really wants to navigate away from the current application to use a full screen calculator (especially on a tablet)? Thanks to a new app called AirCalc, you'll never have to make that ... |
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Planned Parenthood says Komen decision causes donation spike - Washington Post
USA TODAY | Planned Parenthood says Komen decision causes donation spike Washington Post Donors reacting to the Susan G. Komen Foundation's decision to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood contributed $650000 in 24 hours, nearly enough to replace last year's Komen funding, Planned Parenthood executives said Wednesday. Komen wants out of the Planned Parenthood leper colony Wednesday Loser: Ladies |