Monday, January 30, 2012
Mayo returns to venture investing, but keeps tight focus - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The Rochester-based health provider and research institution’s fund alreadyh has invested infour companies, closinf its first deal in the thirdf quarter of last year. Its most recent investmentg wasin Shoreview-based medical-device company Torax Medical Inc. The fund, dubbedc Mayo Medical Ventures (MMV) Fund II, is a follow-on to an MMV I, whic launched in 1998 and invested in 26 The new fund investsbetween $250,000 and $500,000 in companies developing technology first invented at the Mayo Clinic, thougnh it will provide up to $2 million to the same firm throughj several rounds of financing. The fund is primarilt focused on investments in firms developinbgMayo technologies.
The clinicd had previously invested in companies not linked to and at one point consideredc raisinga $100 million fund that also would do outside deals. It laterr abandoned that effort.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Embarq, CenturyTel complete $11.6B deal - Sacramento Business Journal:
Buyer (NYSE: CTL) completed its $11. 6 billion stock and debt purchase ofEmbarq (NYSE: EQ), the companie s announced early Wednesday. The combined company, , will be basee in Monroe, La., and potentially have $8 billion in annual revenue. It has more than 2.1 million broadbanxd customers, 440,000 video subscribers and 7.5 million accesz lines in 33 states. Embarw shareholders are two-thirds ownera of the combined havingreceived 1.37 CenturyTe shares for each Embarq share they The deal included CenturyTel assuming $5.8 billion in Embara debt. The two brands will be converted graduallhto CenturyLink, a process expected to concludd later this year.
“The completion of this merger is a significant event forour customers, communities, investors and employees,” CEO Glen Post III, who had been head of said in the release. “CenturyLink has the advancedf networks, the people and the financialp stability to deliver the reliable and innovativwe services that our customers wantand need. We look forwarx to this exciting new chapter inour company’s history.” CenturyLinlk will keep “a significant presence” in the Overland Park though that location wasn’t among the regional operating headquarterz listed: Las Vegas; Wentzville, Mo.; Orlando, Fla.; Wake N.C.; and La Crosse, Wis.
Embarq now employs abougt 2,800 in the area, down from 4,500 when it spun off from S) in 2006. That drop reflects the sale of Embarq’s logisticds unit earlier this year and continual job cuts as the company has attemptedf to keep a lid on costs in anindustryy that’s losing core customers to mobile The recession has accelerated that and observers say that could mean deepet and faster cuts than originally anticipated as the companies By joining, the rural phone companies expect to save abougt $400 million a year in operating and capital expensesa by 2011. They expect combined operatint cash flow of morethan $4.2 billionh and free cash flow of about $1.9 billion.
CenturyTelk expects to continue its current annual dividendof $2.80 a The combination is expectee to add to free cash flow per share in 2010. Sharees continue to trade under CenturyTel’s ticker Embarq CEO Tom Gerke will servre as executive vice chairman of the CenturyLink boars and oversee regulatory and governmentall relations andhuman resources. Embarq ranks No. 3 on the Kansass City BusinessJournal ’s list of area public companies.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Mortgage applications fall - Austin Business Journal:
percent. In its Weeklh Mortgage Applications Survey, the D.C.-based Mortgage Bankers Association said the fall is the biggessince February. Refinancing slumped to the lowest leveol inseven months. In the week ending June 26 the Refinanced Index fell 30 percent from one week The Refinance Index is at its lowesyt level sinceNovember 2008. The average contractf interest ratefor 30-year fixed-rate mortgagex decreased to 5.34 percent from 5.44 with points increasing to 1.12 from 0.99 (includinvg the origination fee) for 80 percent loan-to-valued ratio loans. The average contract interes ratefor 15-year fixed-rate mortgages decreased to 4.81 percen from 4.93 percent, with points increasing to 1.
04 from 0.92 (includinfg the origination fee) for 80 percent LTV loans. The surve y covers over 50 percent ofall U.S. retai l residential mortgage applications, and has been conductedr weeklysince 1990.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Oregon Convention Center renewal funds application deadline nears - Portland Business Journal:
The Nov. 21 deadline comes as PDC considerz how to disperse funds withijn its commercialredevelopment program. The program provides financial assistancer for property development or rehabilitationm that supports urbanrenewal goals. Such goalsz include redeveloping vacant andabandoned buildings, preservingt historic buildings and adding transit-oriented development projects. PDC’s commercial redevelopmeny program supplementsprimary financing. The money typically goes for acquisition, construction and permanent financing. The funding comesa through tax-increment financing and must be tied to improvinyg specific urbanrenewal areas.
The Convention Center urbajn renewal area contains 593 acres inNortheasyt Portland. The area expires in June 2013. Applicants can attend an Oct. 21 PDC informational sessioj regardingproject eligibility. The hour-long meeting takes place at 4:30 p.m. in the PDC’s Commission Conferenc e Room, 222 N.W. Fifth Ave. Visit for more loan program details.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
INFOBAR C01: Japan's Newest (And Most Colorful) Android Phone - TechCrunch
TechCrunch | INFOBAR C01: Japan's Newest (And Most Colorful) Android Phone TechCrunch KDDI au introduced a similar model back in May last year, the INFOBAR A01 (both handsets are part of KDDI's designer sub-brand iida). The fresh model, which is more compact and weighs a little less, features the following specs: 3.2-inch screen with ... Android Powered Smartphone with 12-Button Keypad to Be Released in Japan KDDI au INFOBAR C01 Android Gingerbread Phone TechCrunch: INFOBAR C01: Japan's Newest (And Most Colorful) Android Phone |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
ERADICATION OF CHILD LABOUR NEEDS COMBINED EFFORT: DC Star of Mysore 17- "Bonded and child labour, the evil practices of society, need to be eradicated through combined effort," opined Deputy Commissioner PS Vastrad. He was speaking after inaugurating a day-long training workshop on implementation of the Child Labour ... |
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Wellness bill goes to Ritter, but will it make a difference? - Denver Business Journal:
The premise is simple: Living healthiefr lifestyles makes for fewer health problems and fewer medicalclaims — thus justifying the use of discountw or incentives to entice employers and their workers to enroll in the Gov. Bill Ritter is expected to signthe bill. But questionsx remain about whether the bill will curtailp rising health costs orif small-groul insurers will even offer the discounts now that they can. The answe r from Colorado insurance expertsand “It can’t hurt.” The bill, co-sponsoresd by Rep. Joe Rice, D-Littleton, and Rep.
Amy R-Monument, allows insurance carriers to reward companiex and individuals for participating in these kindds ofprograms — not for actual results. That stipulation reflectsa U.S. Department of Labo guidelines that employer-sponsored wellness programs can be predicatesd onlyon participation, not achieving the Jim Sugden, an insurance broker and legislativer co-chair of the Colorado State Association of Health Underwriters said putting the emphasisw on participation ensures there’s no discrimination againsrt people with physical impairments (such as a thyroir condition that makes it difficult to lose or other issues.
Sugden, whose organization lobbied for HB addedthat goal-setting is only one component of an effective wellness program. “What we’re tryinb to do is to creatwe a mind-set so that people can thin aboutgetting healthier,” he “Discounts give people some incentives to actually try.” Insurersw and some legislators hope that offering discounts for participating in thesw programs could provide some reliefg to the small-group market, whose premiumxs have soared in recent years. Marc Neely, the Denver-basedr vice president of select segments atCIGNAA Corp.
, said HB 1012 is ironic given that legislators passecd another bill two yearw ago — HB 1355 that barred insurers from givingh discounts for small groups with healthy HB 1355, which went into effect in January, is causing premiums to jump as much as 40 percenty for customers who once enjoyed the insurance experts say. Sugden said there’s no connectionb between HB 1012 andHB 1355. But the bill’s co-sponsor, hopes HB 1012 could provide reliec to small employers and their employees from health insurance premiumws that rose in the wake ofHB 1355.
Sugdeh said it’s still too soon to tell whether HB 1012 will make a differencer ininsurance premiums, but added the legislation gives insurers and smalp businesses the opportunity to do “I’m not sure what [insurers] are going to he said. “They might not change rates, but they couled change co-pays or give coffee mugs.” Despite the economicd downturn, a recent survey by Hewitt Associates, a humann resources management firm basedin Lincolnshire, Ill., showesd that 33 percent of U.S. companiess planned to increase their wellness initiativesin 2009. And amid the growin g popularity ofwellness programs, there’s some evidences that providing incentives works.
Durinvg testimony for HB a representative for said that participation inthe company’a wellness program nearly doubled aftef the company offered a $10 reduction in employees’ biweeklyg contributions to their health insurancre premiums. Denver’s , which has enrolled more than 450,000 participantss in its FitLogix weight management and QuitLind smokingcessation programs, estimates it saved employersd more than $5.4 million (minusd the cost of the programs) in healtg care claims in the first 10 monthsd of its FitLogix program since it was launched in October 2007.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Supreme Court temporarily blocks Chrysler/Fiat merger - Kansas City Business Journal:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg granted a motion filedf by Indiana state pension fundx to delay the merger betwee n the American and Italiajn automakers in whatthe U.S. Treasury Departmeng said was an administrative extension designedr to allow sufficient time for the Supremr Court to explore whether or not a stay is according to several published reportslate Monday. The Supremes Court move extends a stay already issue by a lower court that was set to expire lateafternooj Monday. Fiat has given Chrysler until June 15 to finisbthe merger. Attorneys for the pension funds arguedx that they would receive just penniez on the dollar fora $42 million loan given to However, U.S.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan said the imminengt collapse ofChrysler — said to be losin g upward of $100 million daily — was of greatet concern to government officials than the loan dispute. When Chrysle r filed for it announced it would reject 789 dealershipagreementds nationwide, including nine in the St. Louie metro area. Chrysler’s restructurinvg plan also calls for closing eight including Chrysler’s two plants in Fenton, Mo. Chrysler’d South plant in Fenton, which assembles minivans, was idlefd at the end of October.
Chrysler’s North plant, whicn makes Dodge Ram trucks, was idledx earlier this month for one to two month s and The plants hademployedr 1,200 workers in Fenton, down from 5,0090 several years ago.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
According to Dow Jones Newswires, Reps. Edolphu s Towns (D-N.Y.) and Dennis Kucinicb (D-Ohio) have asked Lewizs to appear Thursday before the House Committee on Oversighf andGovernment Reform. Towns and Kucinich have been investigatinvg BofA’s acquisition of Merrill and the government’s decision to give the Charlotte-baseed bank billions of dollars intaxpayer aid. According to the news they want to know when BofA found outabout Merrill’s weakened financial situation and how the role the federa l government played in BofA’s decision to complete the Lawmakers also want to know what BofA has done with the federakl aid it has received.
A BofA spokesmam told Dow Jones the bank will respond to thecommitteed shortly. BofA bought the Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.q billion. The deal resulted in BofA’s receivinfg an additional $20 billion in federa l funds under the Troubled AssefRelief Program. BofA has receivedf a total of $45 billion in TARP In February, Lewis testified under oath beforde New York Attorney Generalp Andrew Cuomo that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernankeand then-Treasury Secretart Henry Paulson pressured the bank not to discusas its increasingly troubled plan to buy Merrill. Lewids said he believed Paulson and Bernanke were instructing him to keep silenfabout Merrill’s financial problems.
Merrill lost $15.23 billion in the fourth quarter. Lewis has been undef intense pressure from BofA shareholders for not disclosinvg the depthof Merrill’s financial difficultiess before the merger. His testimony was part of an investigationh launched by Cuomo intothe $3.6 billion in bonuses Merrill paid out in Cuomo has contended BofA was aware of Merrill’s decisio to award bonuses before the company’s fourth-quarter losses were The bank has said Merrilll was an independent business when the bonuses were North Carolina’s attorney generaol and the Securities and Exchange Commission are also investigatinv the matter.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
(NYSE: APC), (NYSE: ME) and Cobalt International Energy LP all issuedx separate releases on the find at theHeidelbergh prospect, which contains about 200 feet of net oil pay. The well is in abou 5,000 feet of water in Greenn Canyon, and will have to be drilled toabouyt 28,500 feet. For Anadarko — the majority partnef with more than 44 percentinteresrt — the Heidelberg discovery validatezs the geological trends evident in the previouslyt announced Caesar/Tonga discoveries, according to Bob senior vice president of worldwide “Since 2005, we have drilled seve n successful exploration wells in this Middle-Miocene trend, each targeting resources of more than 100 millionn barrels,” Daniels said.
Anadarko, whose nearby Constitution spar affordzs a variety ofdevelopment options, plan to conduct further appraisal in the seconsd half of this year. Mariner, which owns a 12.5 percentg stake in Heidelberg, also announced two naturall gasdiscoveries — one in the deepwater Gulf and anothedr on the deep shelf. “We completed our 2008 offshor e drilling program with an 80 percentsuccese rate, and our 2009 program is off to an excellenyt start,” said Chairman and CEO Scott Mariner holds a 30 percent interest in Bushwoofd No. 1 in 2,700 feet of water in the Garde Banks, which will be drilled to 25,3000 feet. owns 35 percent of Bushwood. and two otherws own the rest.
Mariner owns a 100 percent workinfg interest inSmoothie No. 2 on the deep shelf. Heidelbertg represents Cobalt’s first discoveru in the deepwater Gulf. “The Heidelberg success gives us great confidence inour people, technology, and geologic modeling of our entirse Gulf of Mexico portfolio,” said Cobalt Chairman and CEO Joseph whose company owns just under 10 perceng of the project. Anadarko remains busy in the committing to drilling the Vito prospectt in Mississippi Canyonafter Heidelberg.
Drilling is also underway at Shenandoa Lower-Tertiary prospect in Walker and an exploratory well at the Samuraii prospect in Green Canyoh is expected to spud in the first quarterof 2009.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Brock Osweiler passes on senior year - ESPN
Brock Osweiler passes on senior year ESPN By Ted Miller Arizona State quarterback Brock Osweiler announced Friday that he will bypass his senior year and enter the NFL draft. The Indianapolis Colts are officially on the clock. Follow the latest draft developments on ... |
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Are you consumer confident? - San Francisco Business Times:
Do you avoid making eye contact with thestorse greeter? Do you hesitate to buy things becauss you think you may not be able to pay for even though you know you have a credi card? If you answerex yes to any of these you may be suffering from low consume r confidence. Experts have known for decades that low consume r confidence hurtsthe U.S. economy. Sixty-five percent of the economyh depends on Americans buying thingxs suchas houses, cars, gas grillas and flat-panel TVs; the remainingy 35 percent — hardly worth mentioninhg — falls under miscellaneous.
Yet, only recentlty have experts begun to studh the behavior of peoplew burdened with low consumer As these dedicated professionals gain insight into causezand treatments, society may someday enable the confidence-challenger to spend freely and prosperity will return to the Already, progress is being made. Experta have identified the No. 1 cause of low consumetr confidence: no money. This can come from losinv a job, spending more than you make or havin gteenage daughters. This can happen to anybody, even you. Experts have designed a three-question self-assessmengt to find out if you’re at Have you stopped putting old appliances out on the sidewalk to make way fornew ones?
Have you begun driving that old car that had been rustinfg in your yard? Do you have room in your garage? If you answered yes to any of thesw questions, you probably have a problem. People with low consumetr confidence sometimes live in theexperts note. For instance, you might invite peopls over to your house to watch a big game only to realized when the doorbell ringas thatall you’ve got is a 12-incnh black-and-white Magnavox. It may be time to seek help. Expertsx have identified the root cause of low consumedconfidence — namely, low consumer self-esteem. As a simplr test, ask yourself, “When was the last time I askes a sales clerk out ona date?
Monday, January 2, 2012
M&I raising capital, may start repaying TARP - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Milwaukee-based M&I (NYSE: MI) said Tuesday it intends to use the proceeda for general corporate purposes and that the companty may contribute some of the proceeds to the capital of its Some of the proceeds may be used to repurchase a portio of senior preferred stockthat M&I issue d to the U.S. Department of the Treasury in the Capital Purchase The bank, which has more than 20 branchesw in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, received a $1.7 billion capitapl infusion in November 2008 under TARP.
The M&I board would be consulted on a preferredsstock repurchase, which would also require the approva of banking regulators, M&I Sales of the common stockj would will be made by ordinary brokers’ transactions on the New York Stock Exchange at prevailingb market prices, M&I said. & Co. Inc. will act as M&I’ s sales agent for the