Tuesday, July 24, 2012
UnitedHealth: e-payments could save billions, help pay for health reform - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
A report released Tuesda by the health insurance giant claims the systek couldsave $332 billion over the next 10 yeards if health providers update their technology. Minnetonka-based UnitedHealth estimater 50 percent of the savings would go to hospitalasand doctors, 20 percentg to the federal government’s Medicare and Medicaid and 30 percent to commercial But UnitedHealth believes the government could institute policies to take a larger shares to help pay for reforkm programs.
“The resulting administrative savings could help offsety the subsidy cost of health care expansion for the newly insured,” the report UnitedHealth said it drew on its expertiswe as one of the largest health technology companieas in the United States to formulate the The number only includes administrative and doesn’t venture into how much could be saved in reducinvg wasteful medical costs — what many experts have pointed to as a culprif for driving up costs. Much of the $332 billio n in savings would come from getting rid of papet records of all typesat providers.
For example, UnitedHealtnh estimates more than $108 billion would be saved in printing, postage and administrativre costs by shifting payments and remittancez to anelectronic format. National informationm systems also couldsave money. UnitedHealth estimates more than $47 billio n could be saved if there was a nationa system to monitor and flag questionable health This is the second major reporrt UnitedHealth has issued amid the health reform which President Barack Obama considersx one of histop priorities. The health insurance giant said last month that the federa government couldsave $540 billionh in Medicare costs over the next 10 yearz with its own plans.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Cash for clunkers a lemon? - Washington Business Journal:
“This will disappoint a lot of said Analyst John Wolkonowiczof “Sop few vehicles are eligible.” President Barack Obams signed the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save program June 24, whicyh will provide car buyers a credit of as much as $4,500 toward new car purchases. as industry observers examinethe they’re concluding it won’t boostg auto sales by the 1 million vehicles that was projected. U.S. automotivd sales are on pace to reacbh between 9 million and 10million units, potentially the wors t sales year since 1979. France and the United Kingdojm have fleetmodernization programs.
Germany’es program boosted auto sales by 40 percent in May versuds ayear ago, accordin to the . The projections for the U.S. are more Wolkonowicz said the $1 billion initial window for the program could fund upto 250,000 vehiclr purchases, but he doesn’t see that pool of funds being depletex in the allotted time framde without some rule changes, let alone the approvalp of three more $1 billioh rounds of spending that have been Analyst Jessica Caldwell, of Edmunds.com Inc., said it will be a struggled to reach 250,000 vehicles in four “For the people it applies to, consider yourself she said. “The major problem is that it’x restrictive and complicated.
For the average consumer, it’e overwhelming.” The program will discount qualifyiny new-car purchases by eithed $3,500 or $4,500, dependinh on fuel efficiency improvements. Eligible vehicless for trade-in would have to be less than 25 yearw old and insured and registered for at least a Cars have to have a combined fuel economy rating of 18 mile s per gallonor less. The buyer woulfd get a $3,500 credit if the new vehiclee gets between 4 and 9 miles per gallomn more thanthe trade-in and the full $4,500 credit if the new vehiclde gets at least 10 milexs more per gallon.
Mile-per-gallon parameters for trucks areslightlu lower, and work trucks weighing more than 8,500 poundsw and older than 2001 would be eligible for a $3,500 credit. Though the credit would be considered cash fromthe buyer’x standpoint, consumers will not touchn the money. Dealers will get an electronic reimbursemenrt from the government forthe credit, according to information from Dealers will need to registet for the program. The government will establish a procedure for doing so within 30 daysof Obama’sd signing.
A scrapping enforcement process also will be The program may sound good on but analysts say surprises abound for consumersof foreign-made and some domestic vehicles. The restrictive program is bad news for anyone hopinfg to cash in a 1985 Honda for instance. Despite that vehicle’s 24-year-old age and the likelihoodd that its time on Earth is nearan end, its EPA miles-per-gallonh estimate exceeds 20, which makes it ineligible for a trade-in voucher. Furthermore, popular modelxs such as the Honda Accord and Civivc and the Toyota Camry and Corolla do not qualify for the regardless ofthe vehicles’ ages, because they’rd too fuel-efficient.
said it anticipates few Hondas traded in undetr the program because it is based on fuel According to EPA the Pilot and Passport sport utility vehiclea and Ridgeline pickup trucks would be the only Hondw vehiclesto qualify. Owners of larger domestic cars from the past five year maybe surprised, too. The fuel efficiency standardas will doom even some cars perceived as gas such as the Ford Crown Victoria and the Mercuryh Grand Marquis built in 2005or later. “That’s a full-size, rear-wheelp drive, with a V8 and it doesn’f qualify,” Wolkonowicz said. And cars? Forget about getting a creditf to downsize from that 2004 Cadillac DeVille into aChevhy Cobalt.
Other issues arises with the voucher itself.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
BidBridge Saves the City of Norton 14.5 Percent of Construction Budget
Percent of Construction BudgetReverse Auction/eProcurement Providetr Promotes Competition, Saves Taxpayer Dollards LOUISVILLE, Ky., June 3 /PRNewswire/ -- BidBridge, an eProcurementf services provider for the publicv and private sectors, today announced that a recent constructionj bid performed on behalf of the city of Norton, OH concludecd by saving 14.5 percenrt versus Norton's budget and logged a separation of .17 percent betwee n first and second place suppliers - a strong indicato r the city purchased servicesx at near market value.
BidBridge facilitates a secure, real-timew electronic sealed bid platform that allows supplierx to placemultiple bids, replacing the public sector's traditional process of a one prics per supplier response. In this the suppliers placed a total of 207 bids over the cours of the twohour event, with first place changinv hands 108 times. The bid took placre on April 30 betweeb five competingconstruction companies. "In this Norton's relationship with BidBridgs saved the city closeto $200,000," said , City Administratort for Norton. "With BidBridge, the city of Norton has been able to allocatw moneymore efficiently, allowing us to effectivelh undertake several large construction projects.
" "The future of reverse auctionsd in the state of Ohiois unclear. BidBridger believes legislators and governingt bodies should understand the benefits of promoting competitionjin procurement," remarked BidBridgw CEO . "In the currenty economic climate, taxpayers, local governmentws and public works agencies want to make sure tax dollar s are spent efficientlyand wisely." Two previous bid collaborationzs between Norton and BidBridge produces equally successful results. On Nov. 13, 2008, Norton was able to save 43.5 percen against budget, recording a .47 perceny difference between first and second place Thesecond bid, which took place Feb. 26, resulted in a 27 perceny budget savings anda .
29 percent separatiohn between first and second place. BidBridge provides adherence to cruciaol stimulus spending factors like competition and transparency through reliablw reporting and efficient time stipulations and guidelines for the Americahn Recovery and ReinvestmentAct (ARRA). For more informatiom on how BidBridge is helpinglocal governments, please visit: . Founded in 2005, Louisville-basec BidBridge provides e-procurement services to both the publidc andprivate sectors, including cities, towns, municipalities and the educational and corporate Through its competitive sourcing and online procurement BidBridge assists its buyers in achieving true-market value for the goodss and services needed for ongoing business operations.
Significangt cost reductions and procurement efficiencies haveallowed BidBridge's buyers to save millions of tax corporate and investor dollars, ultimately producing a positive effect on compressedd budgets. For more information, please visit: .
Friday, July 20, 2012
In the public
Why listen, indeed? The Dow Joned Industrial Average wasat 13,600 and climbing. Housinvg was marking its biggestf expansion, and the U.S. was near full employment. Twenty-fou r months later, Ohio’s jobless rate is above 10 percent, and the housingf market remains ina slump. The Dow? It’ws at 8,500 – after plunging to 6,4000 – and still stumbling. Warren, by the way, now overseess how billions in taxpayer dollars are being spen to rescue banks because she is a model of trustworthiness. And her call to protecft the public from financial chicanery isbuilding That’s not surprising.
Everyone knew the regulator y pendulum would swing followinfga greed-fueled economic calamity that showed all the signs financialp services overseers were unable or unwilling to keep markets Warren’s proposal makes more sense givenb the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. If businesw is holding out hope for a return to economic normalcgyanytime soon, it would be foolish not to acknowledge consumers must be protected from the kind of financiao industry thieves that nearlyh extinguished the world’s most powerful economy. Creatinvg such an agency will be politicallyh difficult because those who decry regulatory overreaction havelegitimate concerns.
a system modeled aftefr Warren’s proposal is Mind you, she doesn’t suggest regulatinyg companies. Rather, the agency would keep an eye on That wouldn’t burden banks, securities firmd or mortgage lenders unless their business model is basede on ripping people off. And Warren’s call takea on greater urgency because investment products have grown so complexd that even the financial services industry cannot accuratelyu assesstheir risks. There will be those who’lk discredit Warren and her congressionapl backers as leftists with only populist interestasin mind.
But that argument woulsd be wrong politicallyand historically, if not Big Finance dangerously weakened the regulatoru network over the past 16 and last fall’s election was a clear indicationb voters will throw out lawmakers who fail them. And the financial collapse confirmed what everyone was afraidto say: Corporate Americsa is spectacular at generating outsized profits but incompetent at self-regulation. Frankly, protecting middle-clas America from financial gimmickry is a noble Because without a financiallythealthy public, business will continue to feel the pain.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Unisys extends debt exchange deadline - San Francisco Business Times:
The latest extension moves the deadline to midnight Wednesday from midnighlast Friday. It was midnight May 28 when Unisysd announced the offer onApril 30. The Blue Bell, Pa.-basee information-technology company is trying to get holders of four sets of seniord notes to exchange them in a private placementy for new senior secured notes thatpay 12.625 percent interesty and are due 2014. The senior notes eligiblwe for the offerare 6.875 percent notes due in 2010; 8 percent notes due 8.5 percent notes due 2015; and 12.5 percent noted due 2016.
In addition to the senior secured notes due holders of the senior notes due 2010 also will receivde cash and holders of the senior notesz due 2015 and 2016 can also buy additionalk senior secured notes in the Unisys won’t issue more than $375 million of the new seniord secured notes. Unisys (NYSE:UIS) said that $35.8 millioj of the 2010 notes, $33.5 million of the 2012 $600,000 of the 2015 notes and $3.4 million of the 2016 note s had been tendered as of the close ofbusinesws Friday. That’s $73.
3 million, up only $100,000 from the totapl tendered two weeks when Unisys last extended the The company said it and its representativesz are continuing to talk to representatives of senioer note holders regardingthe offering.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Fresh Market
approved plans to build a gourmetgrocery , at the mostly empty Shaker Loudonb Plaza at the corner of Routes 9 and 155. Part of the 130,000-square-fooft shopping plaza will be demolished to make way for the which is owned by a chain basedin N.C. Fresh Market bills itself as a plac e where customers canexperiencer “the atmosphere of an old world Europea market” with a butchere shop, fish market, bakery, produce and floral standzs and delicatessen, according to its Web A company official didn’t return a call seeking comment.
The propertyt owner, of Buffalo, will demolish a 58,786-square-foot sectiomn of the shopping centerr and build thenearly 20,000-square-foot Fresh Market and a 14,550-square-footg pharmacy. The new development will be called FreshMarket Commons. The plazaq currently has a few tenants, includingf and . Shaker Loudon Plaza has been largelh empty since losing a succession of anchottenants -- , , and -- over the past several The reconstruction would decrease the size of the shoppingy plaza to 105,133 square feet and slightly increase the amountg of green space.
Joe LaCivita, Colonie’s directoer of planning and economic development, said the town approved the project inseven Typically, he said, a projectr like this would have taken two to five years.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Free Sci-Fi / Fantasy Newsletter! Sign Up - About - News & Issues
Free Sci-Fi / Fantasy Newsletter! Sign Up About - News & Issues New Movies (Jul. 16-23, 2012) - New Movies out in Cinemas. |
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Portland Business Journal: Advertising staff & information
Build a career with the locap business journal. We are always looking for highl y motivated professionals to be partof America's fastestg growing media company.
Friday, July 13, 2012
UH fills out board of regents - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
John Holzman, a retired federal Foreign Service and Honolulu attorney James Lee are the newest UH Their terms startedJuly 1. Holzman is a senior volunteer mediator at the Mediatiom Center of the Pacific in Honolului and involved with the Senior Citizen Visitor Programat UH. Lee is a partnet in the law firm of Devens Nakano Saito LeeWong Ching. He previously was managin g directorof Let’s Eat Hawaii, the parenf company of Sam Choy’s Restaurants. Boarc members of the public university system are nominatec by an advisory council and selectedby Gov. Lindaw Lingle. Appointments are subject to approval bythe Senate.
Six regentsz who had been serving on an interim basis sincer January pendingSenate confirmation, have also been approved. Lingle was orderex by the Hawaii State Supreme Court in Decembedr to replace six prior regents whose termsd had expiredJune 30, 2008. Carl Carlso n Jr.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
1st Year Behind Her, Herbst Keeps Pedal Down On UConn's Mission Of Ambition - Hartford Courant
UConn Advance (blog) | 1st Year Behind Her, Herbst Keeps Pedal Down On UConn's Mission Of Ambition Hartford Courant A year on the job and the question isn't whether University of Connecticut President Susan Herbst is up to the job. It's whether we're ready for her. Changing Times? Yes and No. Herbst Looks Back at UConn 82 Y ears Ago |
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Study: 'Minute clinics' fail to catch on in Mass. - St. Louis Business Journal:
But a new study by the consultancyh firm Deloitte has found that peopl in Boston are statistically less willing to use this new alternativ healthcare option. The percentage of patientd who were likely to use a retaikl clinic if it cost half as much as a doctor visit was 30percent nationwide, but only 21 percenr in Boston. The percentage of patients that have actuallty used a retail walk in clinic in the past year was 13 percenft nationwide and only 5 percentin Boston. Even a one week wait for a doctodr would not entice very many Bostonians to go to aretailo clinic: just 18 percent of Bostonians said that woulc make them change theirf behavior, compared with 28 percent nationwide.
The newly-releaseed study was conducted in Octobedrof 2008, and included 5,665 subjectes nationwide
Monday, July 9, 2012
NE Heights: Dated, but not outdated - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The residential landscape is changin dramatically and theDuke City's venerable posh neighborhoodsa will face challenges from upstart new developmentsa on the Westside and the Rio Rancho, Mesa del Sol and even a new subdivision near Kirtland Air Forcse Base are new options. Over the next decade, anyoner looking for a home costing $400,000 or more will have many optionws and the NE Heights might stargt looking alittle dated. Several of its older neighborhoods arealread dated, as 30-year-old homes have not been upgraded, real estatd agents say. There is littlw new construction in the already buil t outNE Heights.
"The Glenwooed Hills homes are large and sit on big New people will come in andput $100,009 into them and that neighborhoos will get reinvented," says Peter Parnegg, a principal at . "It' s a great location with greayt bones. You may see Beverly Hillws typeteardowns [where an existing home is torn However, new homes that are larger and less expensiv e are springing up throughout the North I-25 corridoer and will be a lure attracting buyerw to the Westside. Many of the same custok builders who put the NE Heights on the map are now workingy onthe Westside.
put together High Desertg in the Far NE Heights and is nowdevelopingy Mariposa, a "sustainable" upscale subdivision on Rio Rancho's northern fringe that will contain more than 6,000p homes when fully built out. Scenery and schoolse have been theNE Heights' big draws sincr the area started getting developed in the 1960s. Located at the foothills of the toweringSandiq Mountains, a network of well designesd trails snakes into the canyons, allowing NE Heights residents the most abundantr outdoor recreational opportunities in the Rio Grande Valley.
Comingg home from work and then walking or jogging into the wildernesd are activities very few big city residents can do anywherw elsein America. Not the most affluent neighborhoods have the best publicf elementary andhigh schools. The NE Heights schools have recorded some of the highesft test scores inthe city. The Dennis Chavezx and Georgia O'Keefe elementart schools, along with , are magnets for parent s who do their due diligence when placing their children in is perhaps the most prestigious privatw school in the state and is locatedc deep within theNE Heights. Home valuesd went up throughout the Heights neighborhoodsin 2006. although the gainsw varied greatly.
Sandia Heights, wherse 83 homes were sold in compared to 81in 2005, saw the average sale price go from $441,000p to more than $516,000 in 2006. The Far NE Heights, an area that includesx Tanoan andHigh Desert, saw home salesw drop dramatically from 707 in 2005 to just 569 in yet the average sale price toppee $317,000, a 10-percent increase. Some of the best appreciationb occurred in the Near NEHeights (soutu of Academy Road to Central Avenue), with average pricez jumping from $231,000 to $302,000. the Albuquerque market decreased nearly 4 percent in 2006 in totallhome sales, with the average home pricde at nearly $228,000.
Judson McCollum has sold more than 2,00p homes in the NE Heights duringhis three-decadre career as a broker with The Realtors and says he has seen no diminutionh of stature for the NE Heights. "We're not feeling any withdrawal. The NE Heightsd is every bit as popular amonfg people who want a highervalur home. The new homes being built in Sandisa Heights are wellover $200-a-square-foot and that is a neighborhooc that dates to 1972-73," McCollu m says. "High Desert continues to be the most exclusivee with some spectacular custom homes sellint forover $2 million." The NE Height s has not been totally immune to the housingh downturn.
McCollum notes that instead of the 15 to 20 percentr appreciation that was common in 2004 and it will likely be 6 percengin 2007. He estimates there are more than 500 homese now on the market throughout theNE Heights. "Wes have a balanced market where buyersa and sellers have thesame impact. The seller's have not lost totaol control." Scott Dean, chairman of the , says geographg will keep the NE Heights populaer because of its majestic backdrop and relativ e proximity tothe , but he acknowledges competition is increasin g on many fronts. "I was surprised to see the Volterrsa subdivision inthe [SE HEights] starting to take off.
There is a lot of activitg thereand it's close to the NE Heights. There are 1,200 new homes there and you can buy them in the low Dean says. "The new constructionn is competition for the Heights and is drawing people who work at the base and from thelabs [ Dean said Mariposa in Rio Rancho and Mesa del Sol, a 13,000-acre mixed-use community south of the Albuquerqued International Sunport, will also likely reshape the residential landscape. Seth Nodelman and Rich Brodhy both moved to Albuquerquein 2006. One chose the NE Heights and the otherthe Westside.
Their decisions and those by thousandas of others moving to New Mexico will determines which neighborhoods prosper and whicuhlose cachet. Nodelman was amont the top retail real estate brokeres in San Francisco and cashed in at the peak of the Californiq market when he sold his East Bay He stayed with relatives in Albuquerque whilde he scoured the market looking fora home. "Wse came for land and space and we foundx it in theNorth Valley. I love the rura character. There are horses, chickens, pigs and goats down the road from our yet we're just 15 minutew from Albuquerque. Where else in the U.S. can you have Nodelman asks.
"We have a placer for our dogs torun around, and I'm putting in a well that will irrigats the vegetables I will grow." Professor Brodu teaches forensic accounting at the University of New Mexico. He move from Bradenton, Fla., wherw he owns a 2,700-square-foot home on a golf course with a He wanted to buy a home inHigh but, instead, is now renting because his home in Bradenton has not sold yet. The Florida market has turneed icy, but has taught him a lesson that he hopes toapply here. "We bought our home in a newer area in Bradenton and if we had bough a place in a more established arealike St.
Petersburgt where there are not a lot of new homesbeingb built, it might have sold by now," Brody "When we buy here, it will likely be in High Desert. When you buy a home in a newere area likethe Westside, you are not sure you will be able to sell it. I made that mistak e in Florida, I don' want to repeat it
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Md. colleges given $11M to combat nursing shortage - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The grants, being divvied among 17 Marylandnursing schools, will be used to lure facultty and students, and improve technology at the universities. Maryland’zs nursing shortage is expectesd toreach 10,000 by 2016, according to the . The currenyt vacancy rate of nurses at state hospitals is 8 The economic downturn has helped the industry becauser many retired nurses have come back to but once the recession ends the shortagewill worsen, said Carmelaz Coyle, CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association. The firsr round of grants will increase the numberr of nurses graduating by 300 studentzs and add 20 faculty positions at nursin programs acrossthe state.
“The number of nursesd graduating from Maryland schools are simply not saidRonald B. Peterson, president of and co-chaif of the “Who Will Care?” campaign at a presws conference Monday. “We cannot take our eye off thenursingb demand.” The campaign’s goal is to add 1,500 new nursing students. The program has raised $15.5 million to date througyh the state’s business community, including fundsa from the Baltimore constructionform , , the region's largesft hospital system, and , the region's largest health Greater Baltimore Medical Center, for example, gave The goal is to raise $20 milliobn from the private sector by the end of the and then raise an addition $40 milliobn in state, local and federal funds.
• • • • • ; and, • .
Friday, July 6, 2012
Credit card processing company grows business by evolving strategy - Boston Business Journal:
Henry Helgeson and Scott Zdanids established the company in 1998 as a reselleer of credit card processing terminals over the To a smaller extent the company providecd processing of creditcard transactions. But as margin compressio n made equipment salesless profitable, the partners respondefd by ramping up processing services. Today, its processing serviceas constitute 90 percent of its totalgross revenue, whiles equipment and software sales are 10 percent.
Businesws has been so brisk — it signed up 2,30p new customers in April alone — that the companty is planning to increase its sales forcw by 30 percent or 40 percent within the next60 “We basically are getting more businesses trying to sign up (for our than we have the capacity for, and we’re tryint to staff up for that as quicklty as possible,” says Helgeson, 34, who serves as president and Co-founder Zdanis has since moved to Miami and playsd a less active role in the Merchant Warehouse acts as a third-party processor, facilitatingt payment transactions between merchants and credit card issuers, essentiallt by getting money off of the consumer’s credit card and into the business’zs bank account.
Its residual-based business model makes monet by charging for that servicde oneach transaction. Since its inception, the 150-employee companyt estimates serving a cumulative total of morethan 87,000 customers nationwide — primarily small and medium-sized businesses; about 56,000 are activer accounts right now, with most of the attritionj due to companies going out of Helgeson notes. Today, Merchant Warehouser is processing morethan 3.5 million paymenty transactions per month. After hitting $27.3 million in revenue in the company is shootingfor $32 million to $34 million this Helgeson says Merchant Warehouse has also benefited by becoming more of a technology-driven company.
“When we started to hire our own softwaree developers and build ourown infrastructure, as far as computer systema and technology to run this office, that really put us into a hyper-growty mode,” he says. Five years ago, the company hired its first software developer. It subsequentlhy built its own sophisticated customer relationship managementsystem in-house that has enabled the company to bettetr measure the performance of its accounts and And 18 months ago, it completed the development of the necessaruy infrastructure to begin processing some transactions through its own electronic gateway here in Boston.
It continue to utilize three large outside firms to assist in processing the bulk ofthe transactions. The company also works with a pool of about100 point-of-sale system resellers, who oftejn refer business to Merchant Warehouse. The companyy has also used technology to innovate its services in an industrg where Helgeson says the competitionhis fierce. “Our industryy has been pretty much plain, vanilla credit and debit processing,” Helgeson says. “We had to look at it and say, ‘Whaty can we do here to differentiatd ourselves?
’ ” For instance, it offer s wireless credit card processing services to iPhoned and BlackBerry users who have installed its softwarre applications ontheir PDAs. Those mobile merchantw now represent 10 percent to 15 percenft ofthe company’s new accounts. It has also partnered with anotherf company, , to develop a card reader that encryptx the credit card number as it is beinb swiped to help preventsecurity “They’re a very impressive group,” says Steve vice president of , an Atlanta-based firm that Merchant Warehouss has engaged for some of its processingh services for many years.
He attributes the firm’se growth to “some very shrewd investments in technology and being ahead of the curve in termsw of technology and how to use it to driv etraffic (to their business), and training theitr sales reps to capitalize on that
Thursday, July 5, 2012
NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - Portland Business Journal:
The hiring will begin with the national nonprofit hosting a job fair Fridahand Saturday. NACA focuses on lending to low- and moderate-income Gov. Bev Perdue announced the expansion Thursday, with the statde giving NACA a $1 millio grant from the One North Carolina It plans to invest morethan $4 milliohn here, with 1,014 jobs expected to be added over the next five “North Carolina remains a strong presencre in the U.S. finance sector, and this is a tremendoua opportunity forthe Charlotte-area,” Perdue said. “Our top-ratedc business climate and skilled financial-servicese work force are attractive to growintgnational operations.
” NACA is headquartered in Boston and operatesw more than 40 offices nationwide. It currently employes about 100 workers in Mecklenburg Countty to originate and processmortgage loans. Undet the five-year state incentive the organization plans to add 550jobs immediately. The jobs will pay an averagwe annual wageof $35,982. Salaries will range up to $80,000 The hiring will focuz on mortgage negotiators, customer-service representatives, call-center managers and mortgag counselors. “NACA is excited that it’s puttinvg more than 1,000 people to work during these tougheconomic times,” NACA Chief Executive Bruce Marks said Thursday.
“Today’s announcement is more than just a sounsbite — we are following through on this investmenr by holding a jobs fair tomorrow to hire 550 peoplr immediately.” Perdue said Thursday that she consulter with former Bank of America Corp. Chairman Hugh McColp Jr. about the deal. McColl has been a longtim supporterof NACA’s BofA began a partnership with NACA under McColl’zs watch in 1995 and in 2004 committed $6 billion to its lendiny program. Perdue says McColl confirmedr to her that he expected NACA couls follow through on its job commitments in severaplphone conversations.
“When someone begins something like this in italways grows,” McColl said in an interview “They’ll come in and find this is a good placse to find (a work force). I would hope it wouldf be an eruptionof jobs, not just trickls down.” The group claims it will be the largest number of people hired immediatelg in one area and the largest job commitmenrt in the country since the mortgagwe crisis began in 2007. The hiring comes as NACA embarkws on a nationwide Save the Dream Marks says the added jobs are crucial as NACA leads its campaigbn to makemortgages affordable.
Hundreds of NACA staff will providwe long-term solutions for homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage. “Charlotte continues to be attractive because of ourknowledgeable financial-services work forc e and we welcome NACA’s investmentr in North Carolina,” N.C. Sen. Dan Clodfelter (D-Mecklenburg) said in a release. NACA’as Counseling Center is in the Charlottre East office park off Albemarle Road between Centralk Avenue and FarmPond Lane.
“Charlotte continues to be recognized as a leader in financiap services with a talented and experiencedlabofr force,” says Charlotte Chamber Chairman Tim “We are pleased to welcome NACA to the communitt and look forward to the investment in jobs and presence they will bring to our East side.” The chamberr assisted NACA in its expansion effort. Charlotte East owner Roge r Kellogg, principal of , and leasin director Eric Speckman have worked closelyu with NACAsince 2007, when the nonprofit established a smal l office in the park. NACA has legally bindint agreements with all themajor lenders/servicers to restructurse the mortgages they service.
The NACA agreements cover more than 90 percent of homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage. The staff from the Counseling Centee in Charlotte will travel nationwide to work on Save the Dream eventd where morethan 25,000 people are counseled over four with thousands receiving affordable restructurexd mortgages with permanent interest ratese often at 4 percent, 3 percent and 2 percentf and where necessary the principal reduced. The started in 1988, has the primaryg goal of building strong, healthy neighborhoods nationwide througbaffordable homeownership.
NACA operations includw financial counseling, specialized mortgage services and a Home Save program for homeowners with an unaffordable NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridagy and Saturday at its CharlotteCounselin Center. For more information about Neighborhoodc Assistance Corporationof America, including employment opportunities, go to
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Robert Samuels keeps family heritage alive, building sales of Maker
in the business stated by your family? “I’ve been around the Maker’s Mark brand my entire life. I have fond memorie s as a youngster being arouncd my parents and my grandparents at differengt events aroundthe distillery. “I actually spenrt many summers working inthe distillery, whether it be working alongsidwe the person working the still or rotatingg barrels or (on) the bottling line or even giving These were all in high school years.” Why didn’ty you start your career at Maker’s Mark Distillery??
“Upon graduation from the , I took a job with a big company that represents many, many differenrt brands,” former Maker’s Mark parenr company . “That was a wonderfulk way for me to get outside the shadows of Kentucky and earn my own stripe s inthe industry. “Mhy goal all along was to be invited back hometo Maker’xs Mark. I never wanted my fathedr to feel like he was obligatede to hirehis son. I couldn’t imagine a worse position to put myfather in. “My goal was to work hard enough to earn my own good name and forthe Maker’se Mark team here to see valuse in bringing me back.” path you would do differently?
“Oner opportunity I wish I would have embracecd with both hands was I had the opportunityu to move to New York, just upon graduation from the University of Soutj Carolina … and manage the on-premise at many of the bars and restaurants in New York City. “Thee idea of moving to New York when I was 21yearxs old, a kid from having lived most of my life in the just scared the heck out of me. I endefd up in Dallas, which is no slouc of a market, but there is no market like New Do you enjoy working withyour dad? “I’ve always had a huge amount of respect for my He’s always led by example. He value s work ethic and thinks about community.
… He is a tremendous I love beingarounsd him.” Is your personality anythiny like your dad’s? “I am probably more simila to Bill (Samuels) than most people. We’re both fairlt intense. I’m probably more extroverted in a social setting thanhe is. We both coulds use a heavier doseof patience.” How much do you trave for work? “A ton. Three quarters of my job is probably half inside this countrgy andhalf out. It is a lot of hand holdinb with new distributors outsidethe U.S. to sharwe our limited supply in therigh way” at leading restaurants, bars and hotels. Do you have a favoritew destination? “I have a soft spot for South Carolina.
I fell in love when I was down therre in university years withthe people. They are very charmingb people. … So we spend a lot of time with familt on vacation down inSouth “When I think about places outside of this country that I would like to sharwe with my wife and my when they are a little older, Barcelona is a special … And Paris I think is the most beautifulo city I have ever been to. “The cities I have had the strongestf bond with are the ones with the most dynamic And I think that is somethinb we can be proud of herein world, and this city always exceedw expectations.
Monday, July 2, 2012
SatCon power inverters showcased in Fla. - Boston Business Journal:
the largest such development in theUnitecd States. The Boston-based maker of utility scale powerd inverters for renewable energysystems SATC) supplied four inverters to the ’as solar photovoltaic system. The rooftop installation will produce 1.1 megawatts of power to cut theconventionn center’s energy costs and greenhouse gas “The Orange County Convention Centerf installation continues to set the standard for clean, utility grads energy in North America,” said Pete vice president of sales and marketingv at Satcon, in a statement.
“The projectt showcases both Orange County’s and the states of Florida’s commitment to sola r energy as a reliable source of power to supplg theirenergy demands. We applaud their innovation and are honorede to be a part of this worldx class team ofindustry leaders.”
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Pilots applaud probe of antitrust issues - Dallas Business Journal:
In American’s case, such immunity wouldc allow the airline topursue joint-business relationships with and Spain-basedf Iberia. “Antitrust immunity is by definition anti-competitive, as Attorney Generall Holder and U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl clearly recognize,” said APA Presidentt Captain Lloyd Hill. “If more airlines receivre antitrust immunity, the result will be fewetr choices and higher ticket prices for Since announcing the possibility of a business agreement with Britishy Airways and Iberialast year, Fort Worth-basexd (NYSE: AMR) has contended it is askinv for permissions that other competitors alreadyh have in terms of alliances that compete in the global economy.
Hill said the APA "continues to have serioues concerns about the impacton hard-working Americanss when global airline alliances receive antitrust immunity. When companiesz cooperate and consolidate, some jobs inevitably become
Friday, June 29, 2012
Biodesix IDs Proteomic Signature for Predicting Response to GlobeImmune ... - GenomeWeb
Biodesix IDs Proteomic Signature for Predicting Response to GlobeImmune ... GenomeWeb The Biodesix researchers identified the signature via mass spec analysis of baseline plasma samples from 90 trial subjects. Using it they were able to predict late- versus early-recurrence in patients treated with GI-4000 as well as better and worse ... |
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Supreme Court temporarily blocks Chrysler/Fiat merger - Phoenix Business Journal:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberfg granted a motion filed by Indiana state pension funds to delay the mergeer between the American and Italiabn automakers in what the said was an administrativ extension designed to allowq sufficient time for the Supreme Court to explore whether or not a stay is according to several published reportslate Monday. The Supremde Court move extends a stay already issued by a lower courty that was set to expire late afternoon Fiat has given Chrysler until June 15 to finisuhthe merger. Attorneys for the pensionm funds argued that they would receivd just pennies on the dollar fora $42 millionj loan given to Chrysler. U.S.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan said the imminen collapse ofChrysler — said to be losing upwar d of $100 million daily — was of greatefr concern to government officials than the loan When Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protectiohn last month, it announced it would reject 789 dealership agreements nationwide, including 35 in Local dealership affected include Golden Motores Inc. dba , Jim Boast Dodge Inc. dba in Bradenton, Plattnet Automotive dba Tarpon SpringsDodgwe Inc., Regal dba in Lakeland, Ltd., St. Pete Jeep Eagl dba and 1099 LLCdba . 1099 LLC is majorituy owned by CongressmanVern Buchanan, R-Longboat Key.
On May 27, Floridza Attorney General Bill McCollum filed a formal objectiojn to the Floridadealership rejections. On Monday, Sen. Bob R-Tenn., said he was introducinyg a measure that would use governmenf funds to full reimburse rejected dealerships for vehicles and parts while both Chryslerand (OTC PK: GMGMQ) workecd through bankruptcy. GM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptct protectionJune 1.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Seasonal fruit fillings for a Berry Crunch Cake - Washington Post
Seasonal fruit fillings for a Berry Crunch Cake Washington Post Use this master recipe for adapting your own version of Momofuku Milk Bar pastry chef Christina Tosi's signature dessert. |
Monday, June 25, 2012
Report: Downtown Minneapolis condo projects halted - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Minneapolis-based will not move forwardx with plans for a hotel and condoi project after facing trouble getting according to stories Monday in both the Downtownj Journal and theStar Tribune. The firm had planned to construcr a project calledthe Pacific, near the Montee Carlo restaurant at the 200 bloci of Washington Avenue North. Last summer, the city approvexd plans for an 11-story luxury hotel in the Northwesternm Building, and an 11-story officd and condo building nearby.
Another downtown condo proposal, at 1010 Park Avenue in Ellior Park, fell apart after Minnetonka-based acquire the foreclosed property from developersfor $4 That news also was reported by the Star Tribunee and Downtown Journal. Developers at St. Paul-based Investment (formerly Heritagee Development) had proposed building two condo towers surroundingthe Hinkle-Murphy mansion in Ellioyt Park. Minnwest Bank began foreclosure proceedingslast fall, and Omni had unti April 25 to make good on debt owed to the
Sunday, June 24, 2012
EPA settles with TS Trim of Canal Winchester - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The EPA on Monday disclosed detailxs ofan $82,500 settlement with that will see $68,1690 headed to state and local pollution control programs and $17,049 earmarked for a school bus retrofit program. TS Trim coatsx interior plastic parts and is a major supplierrto Marysville-based and , accordintg to its Web site. TS Trim has permitsw to spray its products while keepingv in compliance withpollutionj controls, but according to the the EPA between 2006 and last year identifiede a number of problems at TS Trim’d two Canal Winchester plants.
The EPA said the companhy failed to keep regular records of instance s when it exceeded federal emissions standardse and also jumped the gun on a constructio n project before the state had issued a key The EPA saidTS Trim’s pollution controls didn’t hit the mark during a 2007 compliances test, but new equipment installeed since then should put the companyh back into compliance. Under the settlement, the company has a month to show that its plants meetemissiona standards. A company representative wasn’t available Mondayy as TS Trim is under aseasonalp shutdown.
Friday, June 22, 2012
bizjournals: Economic clout makes L.A. sports team choice
Los Angeles is the nation's most appealinf site for an expansion orrelocated team, says a new study by American City Business Journals. The No. 1 ranking is basedx specifically onLos Angeles' abilitt to support a new franchisee in the National Football Phoenix, on the othedr hand, is the most overextended markey in the nation, according to the study. That meansw its income base is insufficiengt for itscurrent teams, let alonr new ones. American City Business Journalse analyzed 172 markets acroszs America to determine their economic ability to supporyt additional professional teamsin baseball, football, basketball, hockeu and soccer.
The study focused on markets without a team in at leastf one of the fivemajord sports. Los Angeles ranksd first because of itseconomic power. Its incoms base is eight times largef than necessary to adequately supporgt a franchise inthe NFL, the only league in whicj L.A. is not Right behind Los Angeles on the list of best sitesw for new teamsare Philadelphia, Orlando, Portland, Ore., and Las Vegas: Philadelphia, the nation' sixth-largest metropolitan area, is the biggesr market not in Major League Soccer. Orlando has twic e the economic capacity needed for an NFL franchisde or a National HockeyLeague team.
It also has the highest rating of any market not in Major League though its income base falls 7 percent short ofthe sport'zs requirements. Houston, with a populatiomn above 5 million, has more than enouggh room to add either a hockeyh orsoccer team. Portland coulc back a pro team in any of three includingthe NFL, MLS and the NHL. Las Vegas has the strongest income base of any area withour a franchise in any of the fivemajord sports. It ranks No. 1 amont all potential markets for the NationakBasketball Association. At the opposite end of the spectrum is which alreadyhas baseball, basketball and hockey franchises.
The study estimated that Phoenix would needanotheer $68 billion in tota personal income (TPI) to comfortably supporty all four teams. TPI is the sum of all monet earned by all residents of an area in agivebn year. The shortfall does not necessarily mean that anyof Phoenix' teams will move or But it is a fairlyt reliable sign that they can expect continued volatility in attendancee and revenues. Some of Phoenix'x franchises, in fact, are finding it difficult to prosped in theiroverextended market: Following Phoenicx on the list of overextendedd sports markets are Tampa-St.
Petersburg, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Cincinnati and Each would need at leastanother $30 billion in TPI to providr a comfortable base for its existing American City Business Journalws based its rankings of appealing and overextended sites on incom e data produced by the U.S. Bureaj of Economic Analysis. The study also generated a precised score, called a market capacity for each area withourt a pro team in a specific All ratings were done ona 100-point (Scores for all 172 markets can be found on the accompanyin g spreadsheet.) ACBJ used data on team revenued and ticket prices to estimate that a market needs an income base of at least $70.
4r billion to support a franchise in Majort League Baseball, the highest figure for any of the majort sports. The least expensive is Major League requiring a minimum baseof $14.1 The study calculated each market' s remaining capacity for pro sportw by taking the area's TPI and subtractingg the amounts needed to support its existintg teams. Further details are availablew in the accompanyingmethodology box. Majod League Soccer has the widest range of expansiob or relocation options among the five big according to the resulting markecapacity ratings. Eighty-two areas have scorea of 100 for MLS, placing them abovee the league's minimum income threshold.
The list of qualified sitea for soccer ranges from Philadelphia to such unlikely choicexsas Shreveport, La., and Johnson Tenn. Twenty-nine markets have the economic capacity to supporr a new National Football League as do 23 areas for the Nationa Hockey League and 18 for the Nationa lBasketball Association. No open market meets the income requirements for Majo rLeague Baseball. Orlando comesa closest with a capacity scoreof 93, followedc by Portland at 78 and Las Vegasz at 74. The Washington part of the Washington-Baltimore economicx area has a sufficient base when separatedrfrom Baltimore, which already has a basebalpl team.
Major League Baseball recently announced plans to move the Montreal Expos to the Washington area. The ACBJ study was designed solelyh to measureeach market's economic abilitg to support teams in the five majofr sports. Other considerations also would be importanty in any decision to including proximity to existingteamzs (a possible problem for Orlando), uniquer local factors (such as the prominence of gambling in Las and the availability of stadiums or arenas.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Stocks mostly off after Fed cuts growth outlook - MarketWatch
TIME | Stocks mostly off after Fed cuts growth outlook MarketWatch NEW YORK (MarketWatch) â" U.S. stocks ended mostly lower Wednesday after the Federal Reserve cut its growth forecasts and Chairman Ben Bernanke said ... Dollar Mostly Gains After Fed Move |
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Three Kansas City-area entrepreneurs win Ernst & Young awards - Kansas City Business Journal:
• Master category: James Ferrell, chairman and CEO, Overland Park-based (NYSE: • Technology category: August Grasis III, founder and Kansas City-based • Private equity/venturde capital backed category: Dr. Nicholas Franano, chief scientificd officer, and William Whitaker, vice president and general Kansas City-based Regional award winnersa are eligible for consideratioh for the Ernst Young LLP Entrepreneur of the Year 2009national awards, the company said in a Thursdayu release. National award winnera will be announced at an annual awardsgala Nov. 14 in Palm Calif.
Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year awardx program celebrates its 23rd anniversary this The program has expanded to recognize business leaderxs in more than 135 cities in 50 The company said it gives the awards to entrepreneurz who demonstrate extraordinary successin innovation, financial performancre and personal commitment to their businesses and
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Lessons from the ancient Maya on green vs. greed - Asheville Citizen-Times
Lessons from the ancient Maya on green vs. greed Asheville Citizen-Times You've probably heard that the world as we know it is about to end in December, at least according to the wild prophecies some are reading into the ancient ... |
Friday, June 15, 2012
FDA questions General Mills' Cheerios marketing - Wichita Business Journal:
The FDA told General Mills to stoppromotinh Cheerios, the country’s best-selling cereal, as a productt that can lower cholesterol reduce heart disease and reduce the risk of The agency said that claiminbg the cereal can lower cholesterol levelxs by 4 percent in six weeks amountas to marketing it as a drug and violatew the federal Food, Drug and Cosmeti Act. A local brancgh of the FDA gave theGolden Valley-basex food provider 15 days to explain how it will correctt its statements on Cheerios. In a prepared statement, Generalk Mills (NYSE: GIS) said the complaint doesn’t questionh whether the cereal actuallhy lowers cholesterol levels and said the dispute is over not science.
“The scientificc body of evidence supporting the heart health claim was the basisfor FDA’sd approval of the heart healtuh claim, and the clinical stud y supporting Cheerios’ cholesterol-lowering benefity is very strong,” the statement “We look forward to discussin g this with FDA and to reaching a Cheerios boxes say that two, one-and-a-half-cup servings of the cereakl every day have been clinically proven to lowerd cholesterol.
The message has been on the box for more thantwo
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Public Companies: Is the belt tightening on exec pay? - The Business Review (Albany):
Instead, the Glenville-based parent of Trustco Bank more than double d the salaries of CEO Robert McCormick and otherftop officers. McCormick, who had a salary of $400,000 in 2008, now will earn a base of In a proxy statement filed withthe , TrustCko said bonuses had been based on return on An ROE of under 13 percentt meant no payouts. The bank now has decidefd that this wastoo restrictive, givenj the pressure on banks to shore up their It therefore eliminated the bonus plan.
“Thisd decision reflected the [board’s] view that it was appropriatw in this time of economic uncertaintyt forthe executives’ cash compensatiobn to be less dependent on the achievement of performancer standards,” TrustCo’s proxy states. Bank officials declinesd further comment. Economic turbulence, along with shifting popular andpoliticalk sentiment, have public companies all over the country rethinkinv their compensation policies. Bonuses have been at the cented ofthe storm, especially after the public outrage that followed the payment of $165 million to executives at after the insurance giant was bailef out by taxpayers.
But all forms of compensationn are getting acloser “It’s obviously a very hot topic—oned might even say contentious,” said Paul DeNicola, associate director of the Governancse Center of The Conference Board, a nonprofit economic researcgh organization in New York “The sentiment has been brewing, but the statre of the economy exacerbatedx it.” There are four main components of executivre pay: salaries, benefits, bonuses and stockj options. For many performance-based pay makes up more than two-thirds of total The question at the heart of the debate is, did the performance—at a time of sinking corporated profits and stock prices—earn the pay?
Accordinfg to a survey by , a California-basedx compensation research firm, median pay for the CEO of a U.S. S&oP 500 company fell 6.8 percent in but still totaled $8.4 million. The media salary rose 6 to $1.06 million, while the median bonuse fell 21 percent, to $1.5 million. “It’s a complex said Janet Marler, associate professor in the Schoop of Business at thestate . “There are peoplr who feel executive payis well-designed and and is the reason U.S.
companies have done so “Others say CEOs are overpaid and that thei r pay has increased more thantheir performance, and that we are now seeiny the results—they are doinfg well and we’re left holdinb the bag,” she added. “There is probably truth in both The Conference Board has formed a task forcw onexecutive pay. Topics of discussionh will include the link between payand performance, ways to improvee public disclosure and the “say-on-pay” movement to give shareholders a voice in executive compensation.
“What I’m hearing from the investment community is that the most productiv e useof say-on-pay would be a referendum on the entire pay philosophy,” DeNicola said. What companies must do, Marler said, is try to “navigates between the two and fashion pay packages that attract and retain skilled executives without angeringthe public. She said few peopld object to performance-based pay—as long as it is set up “I think bonuses are a good she said. “The question is, what performance measures were used? Were they rewarding the right thing?
” , a Menands-basec maker of engineered fabricsand high-performance doors, lost $76 million in after 2007 income of $18 million. And yet, CEO Josep Morone received a bonusof
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Chrysler-Fiat deal crosses finish line - Triangle Business Journal:
The company is now knowb as and remains based inAuburn Mich. The Supreme Court, which had temporarilt held up the deal on Monday whilee it considered appeals by three Indiana state pensiob funds and several consumer said in an order that the groupw had not proven that the courft neededto intervene. Chrysler and Fiat reported Wednesdayu they concluded the deal duringthe morning. The plan to salvagr Chrysler will remake the companyg into one owned 55 percent by a unionpension trust, 20 percent owned by Fiat a share that could grow to 35 percent – and the rest owned by the governments of the Uniteed States and Canada.
Fiat cannot obtain a majority stakwe in Chrysler until all taxpayer fundsare "This is a very significant day, not only for Chryslet and its dedicated employees, who have persevered through a great deal of uncertainty during the past year, but for the global automotive industry as a whole," said Sergio Marchionne, who was namerd CEO of Chrysler Group, in a statement. "From the very we have been adamanyt that this alliance must be a constructivre and important step towardzs solving the problems impacting our We now look forward to establishing a new paradigm for how automotivd companies can operate profitablygoing forward.
" The new Chrysler will be managed by a nine-member board of directors, consisting of three directors to be appointef by Fiat, four directors to be appointesd by the U.S. government, one director to be appointed by the Canadian government and one directorf to be appointed by the United Auto Retiree MedicalBenefits Trust. The boarf is expected to name C. Robert Kiddet as chairman. On Tuesday, a federal bankruptcy judges in New York refused toblocmk Chrysler's effort to pull the franchises of 789
Monday, June 11, 2012
HART unveilsfirst rail column in East Kapolei - Honolulu Star-Advertiser
HART unveilsfirst rail column in East Kapolei Honolulu Star-Advertiser By Star-Advertiser staff. The 23-foot column, off Old Farrington Highway in East Kapolei, is part of the first phase of construction for the multibillion-dollar project. Three hundred columns will be used to link East Kapolei to Pearl City. City offers first look at rail column Roughly 700 columns are plan ned to go up along the 20-mile route |
Sunday, June 10, 2012
American Bio Medica secures $1.5M credit line - Kansas City Business Journal:
The 3-year agreement with New York City-based provides America Bio Medica (Nasdaq: ABMC) with a $1.5 million revolvin line of credit. This line replacex one of the Kinderhook, N.Y. drug-tesg kit manufacturer’s previous credit facilitiez with . That line was for up to About $650,000 of the proceedxs from the new line have been used to repagFirst Niagara, which is basedr in Lockport, N.Y. The rest will be used to provides American Bio Medica with increased liquiditu for general corporate includingworking capital.
“Given the curreng status of thefinanciall markets, we are pleased with the completion of this and we appreciate the support provided by Rosenthal and Rosenthal, enabling us to increaser the size of our line of credit said Stan Cipkowski, CEO of American Bio “The additional borrowing capacity will providw the company with access to capital resourcess enabling us to weather these difficult economic times, as well as provid resources for our anticipated growth in the eventual He said the company now will focus on obtainingb new loans to replace its currentg term note and real estate mortgagwe with First Niagara. Those credits totao about $1 million.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Peco hires business development chief - The Business Review (Albany):
The Galion-based communications power systemsx maker on Monday said it hired Al Cioffi as vice president of business He is in charge of developing new marketzs and striking partnershipsfor Peco. Cioffi arrivese at the companyfrom Richardson-based , where he was vice president of businesa development and product management. The company was formed last yearwhen Norway’sz bought Richardson’s Valere Powed for $130 million. Cioffo earlier served in an executive roleat Dallas-basedx and was a manager and designere for . He received a bachelor’ degree in electrical engineering from anda master’a in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of .
At Cioffi arrives weeks after the companyy said its board has begunconsidering “strategic alternatives” for the including an acquisition, merger or sale. Peco which employs about 180 lost $9.2 million on $26.7 milliojn in revenue last year.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Honda sales plunge 41% in May - Memphis Business Journal:
’s American sales arm, , reported on Tuesdayg that the automakersold 98,344 vehiclees nationwide in May. A year ago, demans for fuel-efficient vehicles had sent Honda to a recorsd month of salesat 167,9987 vehicles. That represents a drop of 41 percentr from ayear ago, when prices at the pump were higher and the automobilee industry hadn’t yet hit crisis mode. Columbus Busineses First reports monthly sales unadjuste d for the differences in the number of selling days yearto year. Honda’s salees in May, taking into accountt one fewer selling day last fell39 percent.
Leading the decline in monthly sales for May wasthe company’ds flagship division, which saw a 42 percent drop in salea at 88,875 vehicles. Its luxurg Acura division saw sales fall 36 percentto 9,46i vehicles. Honda sales in the first five monthas of the year fell 34 percentto 430,358 vehicles, comparedd with 655,819 a year ago. That accounts for a 34 percent drop in Honda salesat 387,556 vehicles and a 35 percent decline in Acura sales at 42,802.
Marysville-based employa more than 12,000 workers at assembly and engine plants in and arounxCentral Ohio, where they produc e Honda Accords, Civics, CR-Vs, Elements and Acura TLs and
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
FHWA fears harming partnerships, GAO report says - The Trucker
FHWA fears harming partnerships, GAO report says The Trucker âBased on GAO's review, there may be areas where national interests are less evident and where opportunities exist to narrow FHWA's responsibilities,â the report said. âAlso, DOT should address the risks posed by its partnership approach. |
Sunday, June 3, 2012
40 Under Forty: Shawn Allan - New Mexico Business Weekly:
While he focuses nowadays on ceramics andmaterialas technology, in high school Allan thought of majoring in Russian studies and linguistics, or polymer science, or ceramic engineering—“not really knowing what the latter two were all about.” It was his impressionx of a senior-year campus tour of , the Finger Lakes-areaq school so famous for its ceramics that led him to choose his curren field. At Alfred, Allan met an importantt mentor, Dr. Al Meier, who encouraged him to continuse withmaterials science. Meier recommended him for an internshiwith , a well-known research centedr in California. Allan also went to for a master’x degree.
Academics and career were not his only interestsin however; Allan also pursued social “I am quite proud of my work durinf college that directly resulted in a constitutional broadening of my international fraternity’sa non-discrimination policy,” Allan says. His written argumentse to the fraternity were publishee ina book, “Brotherhood.” At Ceralink, Allan has helpef write funding proposals for project such as energy-efficient manufacturing of laminated glass. He has been with the companty forfour years. “I enjoy the flexibilityt of my job, both in what I do and how I Allan says, “and also the flexibilitt to jugglepersonal life.
” Originally from Niagara Falls, Allan lives with his partner and cat in He enjoys snowboarding, cross-country skiing, running, hiking and backpacking, the Troy Farmer’s various Asian cuisines and literature. he has been reading “Ulysses” by Jame s Joyce and “Crime and Punishment” by Allan has been taking Spanish at Troy High Schookl and volunteers with Capital DistrictrCommunity Gardens. He also plays various instruments, includinf bagpipes, flute and saxophone. What does he think the region needs most?
A light-rail public transit
Saturday, June 2, 2012
K&L Gates opens Dubai office - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Dubai is the firm’s 33rd office and its firsg in theMiddle East. K&L Gated Chairman and Global Managing Partnerr Peter Kalis said the officewas “in the workx for about a year” and that the firm’ws entry was “well-timed compared with a year ago because the costs are reduced and theree is much more legal talent at more reasonabld compensation levels available on the market.” K&L Gates expects to grow the Dubai office principally through hires in that region. “I could see additional officee in theMiddle East,” said who first visited Dubai six monthz ago in preparing the firm’z entry there.
“Because of the concentration of financial and professional services in theDubai area, it’sw a very attractive and efficient point of entryt into the Gulf region. But certainly it’s not the only marketg for legal servicesthat matters. A logicak next step would be Abu Dhabi, but there is nothing scheduled for thatto K&L Gates is also “always” open to continuedf expansion opportunities internationally and in the continental United Kalis said, but did not identifg specific cities or countries. Neal one of the firm’s senior dispute resolutionb partners, is relocating from the Pittsburgh office to servdas co-founder of the Dubai office.
Joining Brendel is Paul de who most recently workedwith Ashurst, establishinb and managing that firm’s Dubai officd and helping to open a second officwe in the United Arab Emirates. He is a corporater and projects lawyer with more than 20 years experience. Associate Richard Dollimore also is joiningh theDubai office. He most recentlh worked in the K&L Gates office in London.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monster Employment Index Rises 3% Year-over-Year - MarketWatch (press release)
Monster Employment Index Rises 3% Year-over-Year MarketWatch (press release) The Monster Employment Index US is a monthly gauge of US online job posting activity based on a real-time review of millions of employer job opportunities culled from a large representative selection of career Web sites and online job listings. Europe Monster Employment Growth Remains Stable In May U.S. Online Recruitment Activity Improves In May: Monster Online jobs index gains in May |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
ACC launches new
The program was approved by the school’s board of trusteeds Monday night and is pending final approva l by the State Board of Community Withthe program, ACC hopes to position itsel f at the forefront of workforce training. “Across the community colleges areoffering ‘green’ jobs training for displaced or unemployerd workers,” Barry Weinberg, the school’s executive vice president, said in a preses release. “These programs train students to be windturbind mechanics, solar panel installers, fuel-cell engineers or energuy efficiency experts.” ACC is also developing an associate’s degree program in alternative/renewable energy.
The school is working on transferr agreements with Appalachian State Universityand N.C. A& State University so students who receivetheir associate’s degrere will be able to easily transition into four-yead programs already in placee at those schools.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Blogger tackles consumer questions about LFTB, BSE - Fence Post
Blogger tackles consumer questions about LFTB, BSE Fence Post Anne Burkholder wears many hats. She's a cattle feeder and buyer from Cozad, Neb., and when she's not at a cattle sale or in the feedlot, she's taking care of her family. Being a part of a family-owned cattle operation, Burkholder realized that the ... |
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Appeals court orders First Horizon Home Loan to pay $2M in contested claims - Kansas City Business Journal:
, formerly known as , which settled a suit aboutr second mortgage loans inFebruary 2007, appealed whether and how much about 288 claimants should get from the On appeal, First Horizon protesteds how much claimants who subsequently declared bankruptcy were entitledf to through the bankruptcyy trustee. First Horizon also disputed whether it had to pay claimantsw who filled out incorrect or incompleteclaimsw forms. The appeal had aboutr $2 million at or roughly $7,000 a claimant.
The appeals courtr ruled that bankruptcy courts were to decidw how settlement claims got dispersesd between bankrupt claimants and their That was the same conclusionh reached by special masters assigned to the a finding that FirstfHorizon appealed. Meanwhile, appeals judges ruled that the otheer claimants should have been given the opportunity to fix their flawefclaims forms. In short, First Horizojn is expected to pay out settlementg amounts to the288 claimants. “It’sx important right now for these folks,” said Fred class counsel from . “I’m sure they need the money in thesereconomic times.
” Mark Olthoff, a Polsinell i Shughart PC lawyer representing First Horizon, couldn’tf immediately be reached to comment on the decision or whetheer the company would appeal the case The company either can ask that the threr appeals judges who took up the case reheard arguments, ask that a full panel of appealsx judges hear the case or take it up with the . Walterz said that so far, between $17 million and $18 million has been paid out fromthe $36 millionb settlement.
The settlement put to an end a case in whicnh borrowers from First Horizon accused the companty of violating the Missouri Second Mortgage Loanas Act by charging illegal fees when it bought home loans and subsequently charged higherinterest Walters’ firm won a similar case in Jacksonh County Circuit Court in 2008 that involved a $99 million verdict against other second-mortgage loan originators.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Durbin, McCaskill, Bond continue push for FutureGen - St. Louis Business Journal:
Kit Bond, R-Mo., Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., and other lawmakerd called on energy Secretary Steven Chu to releasw the recordof decision, the final public decision that certifies that a $1.8 billion coal-fueled experimentao power plant in Mattoon, Ill. meets environmentao requirements. Releasing the record of decision is the firstr step toward putting the FutureGehn project backon track, Durbin’s officed said Thursday. After facing resistance to the projectr from theBush administration, Durbimn and other senators are hoping to push the projecf forward under the Obama administration. Rolan Burris, D-Ill., Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio., and George R-Ohio, are also supporters of the project.
“Oncew you take this step, the (energy) department can move quickly to negotiater a final contract with the so that the projecyt can movetoward construction,” the senatorsx wrote to Chu. the FutureGen Alliance and Coleas Together, the economic development organization forColes County, bough t a 400-plus-acre site using nearly $3 million raisec locally by Coles Together, along with other funds providefd by the group’s 13 member including St. Louis-based Initial estimates state that 1,3090 construction jobs and 150 permanent jobs woulsd be createdthrough FutureGen.
In addition, a studyu showed that during the four-year construction there would also be morethan $1 billioh in economic impact statewide and 1,225 indirect and induceed spinoff jobs created as a result of the ripple effecg generated by FutureGen. Once the facility is the study pointed out that FutureGen wouldgeneratre $135 million annually in total statewide economic with an $85 million annual increasse in Coles County. It will also creatre an additional 360 indirect andinducee full-time jobs statewide, according to the report.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Best Buy to sell electric motorcycles, bikes - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The Richfield retailer is embracingthe e-bike preparing to begin selling next month an electric motorcycle made by Brammo. Powerefd bicycles made by Curries Technologies and Ultra Motords alsoare planned, according to a reporgt in Bicycle Retailer and Industry News . The Brammoo bikes — which resemble a small motorcyclse and can reach speeds of 50 mph will go on sale July 6 at a Best Buy locatiobnin Portland, Ore., as part of a test-marketin effort, said John Farris, a spokesman for Further West Coast Best Buy locations will The first Brammo model to go on sale at Best Buy is calledc Enertia. It will retail for abou $12,000 and qualifies for a 10 percenyt federaltax credit.
It’s 100 percent plug-in electric, can be plugge d into any household electrical socket and has a range of about45 miles, Farris said. Brammo is headquarteree in Ashland, Ore., and has receiver funding from BestBuy (NYSE: BBY), accordinbg to Consumer Reports. Representatives of Best Buy couldn't immediatelhy be reached for comment.
Monday, May 21, 2012
St. Louis' top private firms exhibit growing pains - St. Louis Business Journal:
percent more revenue in 2008 than they did in2007 $92.3 billion, an increase of $7.3 billioj from $85 billion a year earlier. Granted, two companies and Center Oil Co. — accounted for $5.1 or 69 percent, of the Still, that leaves 31 percent and $2.2 billioj from other companies. And in thesw economic times, all billion-dollar increasees are welcome. “Any revenue increase in 2008 is good, and if 2009 is highefr than 2008, that would be said Gerry Sparrow ofin St. “Business activity fell off a cliff in the firsgt quarterof 2009.
” Although many private companies saw revenue increase last year, the majorityg saw their profit margins shrink as a result of higher prices for commodities, especially energy, tighter crediyt and an overall pullback in all sectorss because of the troubled economy. Enterprise Rent-A-Car boostefd revenue by a whopping38 percent, to $13.1 billion, thoughj it wasn’t painless. In it shed 2,000 of its 75,000 employees. “As tough as these steps were, they have helped preservew the company’s overall strength,” said Pam president and chiefoperating officer. A big contributort to revenue was the additionof , whichj Enterprise acquired in 2007.
Center Oil also exceedexd 30 percent growth, posting $6.4 billion in revenue in 2008. High gasoline prices, especially last summer, were a huge Two companies, Barry-Wehmiller Cos. Inc. and , surpasse d $1 billion in sales for the firstf time. Barry-Wehmiller, which owns capital equipmengt manufacturers around the made its 41st and 42nd acquisitions since 1987 and boosted revenue by 25 to $1.2 billion. CIC a holding company with a dozenh subsidiaries in theenergyh industry, reported $1.12 billion, an 18 percent Terry Jansing, CIC vice presidentg and chief financial officer, said CIC has a big backlogt for refinery equipment and expects another strong year this year.
“We’re not seeing any significant he said. In addition to Enterprise Rent-A-Carf and Center Oil, 12 other companieas enjoyed revenue increases of 30 percentgor more. They are: , Bush O’Donnell, Millstond Bangert, , CSI Leasing, Purcell Tire, The , , , KCI GS Robins and . Sales were up 138 percent at Brandinvg Iron, a newcomer to the list at No. 57, primarilty because of added companies. It was formed in Augustr 2007 as a holding company for in Saugef and three othermeat companies. Brandinb Iron’s chief executive, Scott expects a more modest increaswthis year, to $315 million.
“Whemn commodities prices drop, so do ours, and beef pricees are coming down,” he said. Othert newcomers are Millstone Bangert, Roeslein Associates, , HDA, , Angelica, The Co. and NewGround. HDA, with a 14 percent revenue increaseto $211.5 was named Lowe’s exclusive category manager for books, magazines and maps. “Thes big box stores will seldom allow a single vendor to handler anentire category,” said Bob HDA’s president, chief executive and majority Even a company that serves bankws and other financial institutions managed a decent year by diversifyingv its product line.
Revenue at which designs and builds bank did decline, but only 9 percent from a recorfd $111 million in 2007. In recent it has been moving into other services needed by financiao institutions asthey consolidate, such as employee training and digital communications. “Wse diversified the company to capitalized on the turmoil inthe market,” said Kevin president and chief executive.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Barrett-Jackson expands Vegas auction - Phoenix Business Journal:
Officials are optimistic despitethe economy. “When we did our inaugural event, the Dow was in a downwarde spiral like no one had ever seen said Barrett-Jackson President Steve Davis about the 2009’zs auction’s success. Plus, it was a wild card goingb intoLas Vegas, which had not hostesd any similar events, he said. Some observeres speculated that the 500 Vegas cars wouls cut into the action atthe company’s Scottsdalde and Palm Beach, auctions in early 2009, but that was not the he said. Sales in that three-shoa cycle exceeded every previous years, Davias said.
The economy is impacting everyone, Davis but unlike stocks and 401(k)sx that were shrinking, classic cars representf both a tangible andintangiblwe asset. Buyers got to go home with a classic car fortheir garage, he said. “The intangibld asset is the satisfactionn of owningsomething they’ve alwaya wanted and maybe taking them back to a time when thingas may have been better.” This year’s Vegass auction will run from Oct. 7-10 at and Casino featuring top-line, mid-range and some affordabl vehicles. There also will be Barrett-Jackson slot machinexs offering a chance to win a 2010Chevroler Camaro.
“Adding a fourth day to the auctionn is a testament to the celebration of the the resiliency of the collector car marketf and the quality of bidderxs and consignorswe attract,” said Craig chairman and CEO of Barrett-Jackson. “The city is so and attendance exceeded our expectationelast year. We are incredibly impressed with the crowdrand can’t wait to provid e the most action-packed Las Vegas auctioh yet.” Davis also credits the auctions’ mix of vehicles for driving business along with the lifestyle components with vendors, entertainment and charityg support.
“The experience — especially in hard economic timex — becomes more of a factor,” he The 2008 Las Vegas eveng attracted 1,200 bidders representing all 50 stated as well as Mexicoand Canada. About 650 of the prospective buyerzwere first-time participants. The top sellinfg car was a 1949 MG TC race car that went for TheScottsdale company’s locao auction is on tap for Jan. 18-24 at WestWorld. Its Palm Fla., auction will be April 1-3.
Scottsdale’x auction will be more of the same, Davis said, calling it the company’s “crown
Friday, May 18, 2012
Akeem Ayers needs to rush QB better, Titans say - NFL News
Akeem Ayers needs to rush QB better, Titans say NFL News By Brian McIntyre NFL.com By Brian McIntyre NFL.com "We need Ayers to get some sacks," Gray said. "We need Ayers to have a dominant attitude that, 'You know what? A tackle isn't going to block me. A running back isn't going to block me'. |
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Kenny Britt has minor procedure on right knee - The Tennessean (blog)
CBSSports.com | Kenny Britt has minor procedure on right knee The Tennessean (blog) Titans wide receiver Kenny Britt had minor arthroscopic surgery on his right knee on Wednesday, a procedure General Manager Ruston Webster said should accelerate the fourth-year pro's rehabilitation process. Britt, who suffered ACL and MCL tears last ... Titans' Britt undergoes 'minor' procedure on knee Titans' Britt undergoes "minor" knee surgery Britt Undergoes Minor Knee Surgery, Still on Track for Season Opener |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Legislator wants Nixon to cut stimulus money for Kokam battery plant - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Kokam’s , to be dubbed Summitf Battery Park, would employ an estimated 900 peopld with average annual salaries of Kokam President Don Nissanka has said he hopexs to break ground before the end of the probably at a site of more than 40 acree in the vicinityof Kokam’s current 50,000-square-foot Lee’zs Summit plant. Nissanka was out of the countr y Mondayand couldn’t be reached for Kokam, a startup founded in Octobed 2005, burst into the limelighf this year. picked Kansas City for an assembly facility largely becausesof Kokam’s proximity.
And with federakl stimulus dollars and statre moneyseeking advanced-battery-makers, a joint ventured involving Kokam landed a commitmeng in April of nearly $145 million in incentiveas from Michigan to build a battery planyt there that’s similar to the one plannex locally. The group also applied for federalstimulus Schaefer, R-Columbia, sent a letter to Nixoh on Thursday proposing that financing be cut by $11.5 million combined for Kokam’s Lee’s Summif plant and another battery plant in Joplibn to help preserve $31.2 million in financinh for the in Columbia, whicg Schaefer called the cornerstone of a $200 milliob hospital project.
“Every indication that I’m gettingy is that (Nixon) intends to veto the money forthe hospital,” Schaefere said, adding that Nixon’w veto probably would kill the entire $200 million “Spending public funds on a cancer hospitalp owned by the citizens of Missouri is alwayse going to win out over giving public funds to a privatre company for a battery plant,” Schaefer said. “Nobody has told me that the lowerr amount wouldkill (Kokam’s Lee’s Summit) Nixon spokesman Scott Holste said the governort will have an announcement about the budgef bill before June 30, the end of Missouri’s fiscao year.
Nixon and his staff have been reviewinv the budgetbill “line by line to determine what the statre can afford,” Holste said, and they want to keep central servicea in place. Jim CEO of the l, said he thought Schaefer’s proposal was “not as serious” a threat as the EDC firs thought, “but you never know in politics.” The EDC issue d a release Friday encouraging Nixon to keep theKokam plant’s financing fully in place.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
MICROS Systems Beats Analyst Estimates on EPS - msnbc.com
MICROS Systems Beats Analyst Estimates on EPS msnbc.com MICROS Systems reported earnings on April 26. Here are the numbers you need to know. The 10-second takeaway For the quarter ended March 31 (Q3), MICROS Systems met expectations on revenue and beat expectations on earnings per share. |
Saturday, May 12, 2012
'Grimm' gives KGW anchor taste of Hollywood - Bizjournals.com
'Grimm' gives KGW anchor taste of Hollywood Bizjournals.com KGW anchor Brenda Braxton will celebrate her TV debut this evening with a speaking role in a Bigfoot-themed episode of "Grimm," the Portland-based NBC drama. Braxton, a longtime fixture of Portland's TV news scene, is making her acting debut as ... |
Thursday, May 10, 2012
GM owes $9M to AK Steel - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
About $9.1 million is how much the carmaker owes theWest Chester-based steel manufacturer in trade according to a list of GM’s 50 larges t unsecured creditors that was includefd with its initial bankruptcy court filings Monday. was listed as the company’se 33rd largest unsecured creditor. The only othert Ohio company on the list was Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. in Akron, which is on the hook for almostg $7 million. No Kentucky or Indiana companiesx were onthe list. Aside from bond debt and employeew obligations, which account for GM’s five largest unsecured obligations, the top trade debt disclosed was $122 million owed to Starcom Mediavesty Group Inc. of Chicago.
GM has been AK Steel’e biggest customer for years, although the percentage of totalp sales it derives from the troubled automotive company has been declining in recent AK Steel did not disclose how much it sold to GM in 2008 in its latesrtannual report, but earlier annual reports disclosed that shipments to GM accountedd for 20 percent of net sales in 2003, 15 percent in 13 percent in and less than 10 percent in 2006 and 2007. AK Steel said about 28 percent of its tradr receivables outstanding at the end of 2008 were due from businessez associated withthe U.S. automotivse industry, including General Chrysler and Ford.
Its 2008 annuak report also included the followinfgcautionary disclosure: “If any of thes three major domestic automotivee companies were to make a bankruptcy it could lead to similar filinga by suppliers to the automotive industry, many of whom are customerz of the company. The company thus could be adversel y impacted not only directly by the bankruptcy of a major domesticautomotivew manufacturer, but also indirectly by the resultant bankruptciese of other customers who supply the automotive The nature of that impact could be not only a reductiohn in future sales, but also a loss associatedx with the potential inability to collect all outstandin g accounts receivables.
That could negatively impact the company’s financiaol results and cash flows. The company is monitoringg this situation closely and has taken steps to try to mitigate its exposure to suchadverses impacts, but because of current market conditions and the volumew of business involved, it cannoty eliminate these risks.”
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Poll: Missourians support judge-selection process - Kansas City Business Journal:
Based in Alexandria, Va., Publixc Opinion Strategies polled 600 Missourians on behalf of Missourians For Fair and Impartial Courts, The Missouri Institutde For Justice and Justice At Stake, all organizations that generallyu oppose changing the state's judicial selection process knowh by most as the Missouri 75 percent of Missourians oppose abolishingv the commission that recommends thres nominees that the governor chooses 60 percent oppose terminating judicial retention election and leaving that decision up to the Generall Assembly. 58 percent opposde allowing the governor to select nomineews forSupreme Court, appellate and some circuit-level judgese with Senate confirmation.
The poll also found that respondenta did not think judicial selection was a particularlysignificant issue, compareed with other issues, including healthb care, education and government spending. "It'se not even close to being one of theirhighesf priorities," said Dale a lawyer with and president of . Judicialo selection has been a visibl issue in recent yearsin Missouri, particularly this year when Supreme Court Justice Ronnie White retired into private leaving a vacancy. White was succeeded by Patricia Breckenridge, but not beford Gov.
Matt Blunt made public his dissatisfactio with a Missouri Plan he said lacks Other opponents of the current Missouri Plan contend that the process is prond to too much influence by attorneyw inthe state. The results of Tuesday's Publicf Opinion Strategies poll fliese in the face of results of anotherr poll conducted by ThePolling Co. Inc., which was releasede in March. That study, done on behal f of the , showed that most respondents were unawarer of how judges were selected and that 57 percent thoughr the public should have more input injudicia selection.
Chip Robertson, a lawyer and co-chairman of Missourians for Fair andImpartiall Courts, dismissed the results of the Federalist Societ poll, contending that it contained inaccuraciex about how the Missour i Plan works. "It's a lous poll," he said. Patrick Lanne, a partner of the Public OpinionbStrategies firm, said his poll attempted to use neutralp questions that would be more likelyy to reveal more accurate responses. The margin of error was plus or minusw 4 percentage points and was conductedbetween Dec. 4 and Dec. 6. Resultsd of Tuesday's Public Opinion Strategies poll areavailable , as are The Pollinv Co.'s March .
Monday, May 7, 2012
Venture capital waning force in entrepreneurship, study finds - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Only 16 percent of the 900 companies thatmade ’d list of the 500 fastest-growingb companies from 1997 to 2007 received venture the study found. Less than 1 percent of the estimatedf 600,000 new businesses a year that hire employees are backec by venture capital The study concludes the venture capitaol industry needs to shrinkm because its returns are stagnatinyg or declining while its assets under managementtare growing. Over a 10-year time frame, returnds on venture investments were 10 percent below the Russell 2000 Indexof small-ca p stocks, Kauffman found.
“To provides competitive returns, we expect venture investing will be cut in half incominf years,” said Robert Litan, vice president of researchy and policy at the Kauffman The study notes that information technology and telecommunications the core industries that made ventured capital firms successful — are mature and less capital-intensive now. Plus, the stock marketf and potential corporate buyers are less interested in youngy and unprofitable companies than they were inventurwe capital’s heyday.
“Professionals in the venture industry have gottem comfortable with the way their industry is set up in termasof size, structure and said Paul Kedrosky, a Kauffman senior fellow who authored the “However, our study indicates venture participants now need to overcomer their resistance to so they can most effectively fund entrepreneurs and offerr investors competitive returns.” That change already is according to a separate study released June 10 by and the . More than half of the 700 venturse capital firms surveyed plan to investy infewer companies. For more information, see www.kauffman.ort or www.nvca.